Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:

My ears hurt, my head hurt, my whole body ached. I groaned and yanked the headphones from my ears. That solved one problem the others could be fixed with some pain killers and food. I rolled out of my bed, I was in control now, no stray thoughts were getting through my mental shield so I would be able to survive the day. It was Sunday and tomorrow I had my last exam. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. I really needed some coffee. While I was waiting for the kettle, I pulled out a bowl and various cereals, some chocolate, some whole grain and fruity. The kettle boiled and poured the hot water into a cup before adding the coffee granules, I lied my coffee black and very, very strong; which Katie finds disgusting. Leaving my coffee on the counter to cool I ate my cereal and thought over what a disaster yesterday evening was.

Agent Marks knows that I can hear thoughts. I had a melt down because I lost control. It was simple really, I had messed up big time. I sighed and grabbed my coffee from the counter and shovelled more cereal into my mouth before attempting to sip my hot beverage. I finished my breakfast, or should I say brunch? It was half twelve already, I had slept for a really long time. I suppose another good thing about living by yourself is that there are no scheduled meal times, I could whenever I wanted.

I took a pain killer and chased it down with the dregs of my coffee before having a shower. After that I felt more human and my headache was almost non-existent. I smiled to myself as I dried my hair, I had to use a hair dryer instead of letting it dry naturally otherwise it would frizz up. I pulled on a pair of leggings and a shirt that was three sizes too big. Comfort clothes. I was about to sit down on my settee when I noticed a white card on the floor in front of my front door. I approached it cautiously as if it was a poisonous spider. It was face down so the only way I was going to be able to read it is if I picked it up, I couldn't just leave it on the floor anyway, I don't live in a barn!

I sighed and picked up the card only to wish I hadn't.

Agent James Marks UCIU


Miss, please call me, I have a feeling that you're the one we've been looking for.

I groaned. It was the Agents card. Which meant that he probably wasn't going to leave me alone. Then again he was asking me to call him, so as long as I didn't call him, things should be okay. You never know, maybe he'd forget about the whole incident. I thought half heartedly by I couldn't even lie to myself, he wasn't going to let this go.

Anyway, I had decided to not leave my flat today, but stay home and revise for tomorrow. I'd take one problem at a time. I'd just wait until Agent Marks tried to get into contact with me again, which probably meant another house visit. It would probably be best to invite him in next time, less distraction and it would be easier for me to just focus on his mind. With that decided I grabbed my history text book and started to revise.

Sunday past rather quickly, it probably helped that I woke up in the middle of the day... I spent it revising and chilling on my settee watching TV. I put the whole Saturday incident behind me and avoided all things that would remind me of it. So early Monday morning I found myself nervously sitting in an exam room waiting for the history exam papers to be handed out. I had arrived barely in time, my bus had been late. I took a deep breath as the examiner laid my exam paper on my desk. I refuse to glance up at the examiner, and focused instead on blocking everyone's thoughts. Listening to them would be cheating, not to mention that they maybe incorrect and I couldn't risk that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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