Flykarth One Shot ~ I'll Love You Forever

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"Flyzik! I can't find my acoustic drums! They were in the back lounge. You need to tidy this fucking tourbus!" Rian yelled, stomping into the main lounge. Flyzik looked up from his Blackberry.

"I'm your tour manager, not your cleaner!" Flyzik yelled back.

"But you're in charge of kit!" Rian replied, still yelling. Flyzik raised his eyebrows, and no surprise, yelled back again.

"I sort out your gigs and interviews!!"

Suddenly Jack came running in.

"The fuck is going on here???!" He screamed, Rian screamed something back and then so did Flyzik until the 3 of them were having a full blown argument. No one noticed Alex standing in the door way until he put 2 fingers in his mouth and wolf whistled loudly.

The room silenced and the 3 boys looked up at him, he always had that dominent vibe about him. It's what attracted Flyzik to him in the first place.

"What's going on?" Alex smiled calmly. Flyzik pouted at him.

"Rian and Jack were shouting at me.

"He said sadly. Alex walked and sat himself on Flyziks lap.

"I wasn't shouting at HIM exactly, I was just shouting aimlessy.." Jack said timidly, he never liked thinking Alex might be mad at him.

Alex just shook his head and gently kissed Flyzik.

"Well could you keep in down next time? Beauty queen needs his sleep you know." He winked. Flyzik tightly wrapped his arms around Alexs waist and whispered in his ear.

"Beauty queen indeed."

"So, what are we doing today?" Jack asked the group.

"Well.." Flyzik started, but Rian inturrpted.

"We're in Australlia. No where near a Disney Land."

Flyik flipped him off and gently pushed Alex off his lap.

"But they're opening a Disney STORE on the high street!" He whined.

"No." Jack and Rian said at the same time.

"We're going." Alex said flatly. Rian gave him look. "It makes him happy, and I love his little smile." He continued shyly.

Flyzik wrapped his arms around Alexs neck.

"I love you so much!" He said.

"I love you too!" Alex replied and bit his neck.


Flyzik squeezed Alexs hand tight as they entered the store. Flyziks eyes were darting around like hyper 5 year old and Jack had already ran off to a Buzz Light Year figure.

"Where do you wanna go first?" Alex asked.

"Like you don't know?!" Flyzik grinned as he dragged Alex over to the Mickey mouse themed part of the store.

Alex picked up to Mickey mouse teddys and made them do naughty things. Flyzik snatched them off of him.

"You can't do that, Lex!" He giggled. Alex felt warm inside, they way he always did when Flyzik used his pet name.

"Aw, I'm sorry, baby. I just get gay vibes from Mickey sometimes" Alex teased. Flyzik shook his head and roughly pulled him behind the shelf.

"I get gay vibes from you sometimes." Flyzik told him gently.

"Oh really?" Alex asked as Flyzik pulled him in close.

"Yeah.." Flyzik mumbled as he kissed him hard.

Alex let him self sink into the kiss, not caring who might see. He was so happy with Flyzik and nothing could ever change that.

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