Chapter 3 - White Wolf

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Elizabeth stopped, nearly tripping up her mother. White wolves were seen as direct links to the moon goddess, one hadn't been born into the Aged Star pack in hundreds of years. The presence of a white wolf could mean one of two things; the pack's fortune was about to change for the better, or it was about to change for the worse. Once she'd regained her balance her mother began dragging Elizabeth to the Alpha again. As they got closer the best smell Elizabeth had ever smelt attacked her senses and it was coming from the direction of the Alpha's stand. She was confused, this had never happened to her before but before she could find the source of the smell they had arrived in front of the Alpha.

"Elizabeth Knight isn't it?" Elizabeth nodded.

"Well isn't this a surprise? I've only ever seen one other white wolf in my life, and she was part of a different pack." He was smiling, which Elizabeth assumed was a good thing.

"You'll be given a place in the council after you've graduated and I expect that you'll play a key part in the peace talks we've been having with the Blood Moon pack. We've been having trouble with them for years and a white wolf is exactly what we need to turn the tide on our favour."

Elizabeth blinked and nodded; the sick feeling was back. She attempted to smile at the Alpha but wasn't sure that she could. "Yes sir, thank you."

"My son will walk you home, I need to have a word with your mother about your future training and living arrangements."

Elizabeth nodded again; she was finding it hard to concentrate. That smell was driving her crazy, all she wanted was to find its source, but she turned away from the Alpha and the smell and began walking towards the exit. Joseph caught up with her quickly, he has always been a fast walker and runner. Elizabeth guested that the speed came from his Alpha blood. They walked in silence, the smell was following her, she wondered if this happened to everyone after they'd changed for the first time. Just before they reached her house Joseph stopped. Elizabeth slowed down and eventually turned to look at him.

"I told you it wouldn't be too bad" He said, smiling again. Elizabeth didn't look at his face, she thought he was mocking her.

"Apart from me being some kind of magical connection to the mood goddess you were right." She rolled her eyes and turned back towards her house.

He grabbed her arm to stop her. "Hey, what are you doing?!" She looked at his face and as their eyes met something within her clicked. She suddenly realised what the smell was. It was Joseph.

They stood looking at each other for an eternity. Time seemed to stop as Elizabeth's brain was trying to find the word for what was happening. Mate.

"No...I'm not ready." Time sped up again, the effect of this statement was dizzying.

"But...we're mates..." Elizabeth's voice was small and trembling as she looked into Josephs face. She saw fear in his eyes as he let go of her.

"I'm not ready to have a mate yet. I'm only 19 and I'm especially not ready to have a white wolf for a mate." He looked down. He was fighting all of his natural instincts in that moment, like a fish trying not to swim. He took a deep breath and looked back up at her.

"I'm so Elizabeth but I can't be with you. Not for many years, I never wanted a mate. I might want one someday but not today."

Tears began to flow freely down Elizabeth's face. "Are you rejecting me?"

His gaze snapped to her, he hesitated but then nodded. "I am. For now."

"For now? You expect me to watch my mate be with other people? You expect me to have a place in your council and for us to ignore each other until what? Until you're ready?" Anger and sadness filled her so much, she felt like she was going to burst.

Josephs gaze hardened as he looked at her. "Yes, because no matter what colour your wolf it I am still the next Alpha in line. I outrank you and you need to obey my wishes, especially since you're my mate." His tone was harsh now and it stung Elizabeth deeply.

Finding her mate was meant to be a happy moment. Mates were meant to accept you no matter what. Your mate is the only person that you'll ever be truly happy with and is the best person for you to start a family with. Elizabeth had only ever heard of one mate rejection, both parties lost their minds soon after, turning into wolves fully and being unable to change back. Both had been caught by hunters and were never seen or heard from again. Elizabeth didn't want that. She wanted to be happy and she defiantly wasn't going to stay around and wait for both her and Joseph to go mad. She turned away from him and walked into her house.

Elizabeth lay on her bed and sobbed for a long time until her eyes felt raw and her mind was exhausted. She pretended to be asleep when her mum got home and didn't move until she knew her mum was asleep. Throughout the course of her crying her mind formed a plan. She was going to pack a bag and leave the pack. She didn't know how long Joseph expected her to wait for him and she couldn't watch whilst he got to be with any pack girl he wanted until he decided he was ready for a mate. Elizabeth wiped her eyes and sat up. She grabbed her backpack and shoved some comfy cloths, shoes, toiletries and the locket her mum had got her for her birthday into the bag.

She crept out of the house, silently closing the door behind her. Elizabeth closed her eyes and focused on the moon that was still up. She willed herself to change into wolf form and after several silent minuets her body tingled, and she was on all fours. She took one last look at the house she'd grown up in, picked her backpack up with her teeth and began running.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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