Little Miss Imperfect

840 41 6

Ashe Faey is nothing but a quiet nerd who doesn't draw a lot of attention--despite her blue hair. Toby Markum is everything--popular, athletic, and oh-so handsome. And when Ashe's house gets burnt down by an unknown pyromaniac...well, her mom's old friend comes in to help. But Ashe doesn't connect the old man to Toby until AFTER she gets into their house.

Despite the unyielding attraction Ashe feels for Toby, she tries to suppress it and move on with her life. I mean, everyone wants a piece of him. She doesn't NEED him, and he doesn't deserve her. Or so she thought.

As Ashe and Toby get to know each other over football games, too-hot coffee, and listening to hip-hop way too loud, they discover secrets about each other neither expected. Toby isn't the no-problems hottie Ashe expected him to be. And Ashe isn't the perfect little goody-two-shoes Toby thought, either.

And they're stuck under the same roof with nothing but time on their entwined hands.

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