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Dear husband ,
I started working at a nursing home for the old, since you have issues working under someone. Instead of being happy with me and letting me do my work, you started 'advicing me' about my work and how things should be there. You started taunting me about single shyt.... If I wore make up.... Or when my boss gave me off or only working 8 hours and not giving enough time to housework....

It ticked me off a lot that you were so busy on the phone talking ' business' that you didn't have enough time in that 8 hours to change our son's diaper.

My paycheck was only 1000 Usd.... 500 rent for the room and 500 to manage our household expenses.... You never appreciated that no matter how you kept me., I didn't complain instead I wanted your approval, your satisfaction.

But that job ended after 3 months since you didn't like my schedule and I got pregnant with out 2nd child.... I swear I didn't know, because my periods are irregular.


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