Chapter 4

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Hey guys, sorry it has taken me so long to update! I got my wisdom teeth taken out, then I went on vacation with my family. I also want to apologize for this chapter being short, but it'll get better, I promise. :)

Thank you so much for reading everybody! I want to dedicate this chapter to MissFictionFairy. She has been real sweet, and she was the first person to comment on my story! I have more dedications to do, so stay tuned next chapter! Anyways, happy reading! And PLEASE comment your opinion! And vote if you like my story! :) It would mean the world to me! Thanks so much, xoxo! -Emma

CHAPTER 4: TRINITY'S POV*********************************************************************************

            A few hours later, Claire, my family, and I drove back to my house. I had a medium bandage above my eyebrow from where I cut it, and I was a bit drowsy, but other than that I was fine. Claire helped me upstairs to my room, where we both crashed on my queen size bed. Fox followed us upstairs, jumped on my bed, and cuddled into my side. I sighed, overwhelmed with the urge to sleep.

            "Claire?" I mumbled weakly. She groaned in response. I sighed and continued, "What time is it?"

            She grabbed her I-Phone out of her pocket. "2 o'clock. You were in that hospital for 5 freakin' hours."

            I groaned. "Don't remind me."

            Claire sighed. "Okay, the opening act, Olly Murs, starts at 7. We should probably get there at 6, which means we need to leave at about 5:15. So we get an hour and a half to nap before we are waking up to get ready for the concert."

            I sat up, shocked. "Wait, you actually want to go?"

            Claire looked at me like I was crazy. "Um, heck yeah! Sweetie, spending the evening with 5 hot guys, plus whatever hot guys work in the crew, is a pretty darn good idea."

            I whined. "I'm so not in the mood."

            Claire nudged me gently, "You will be when you wake up. Look, May is going with friends, if she isn't grounded, so it will just be you and me. It'll be fun."

            "Fine." I grumbled.

            "Good, I'm setting an alarm for 4. Sleep well!"

            "Shut up." I hissed at Claire. I closed my eyes, hugging Fox close to my chest. Fox nuzzled me, licking my chin. I smiled, before I was out for the second time today.


            I woke up on my own, to Fox trying to break free of my grasp. I released him, then pulled out my I-phone. It was 3:59. Perfect.

            I grinned evilly, snapping a picture of the sleeping Claire before I tackled her. "CLAIRE GET UP IT IS TIME FOR THE CONCERT!!!!"

            She screamed, startled, and fell off my bed. I was dying of laughter, clutching my sides. Claire glared at me, trying to be intimidating, but it only made me laugh harder.

            "" I breathed in between laughs.

            Claire just huffed. "Glad somebody is feeling better. Now let's make ourselves look hot."

            Claire and I ran to my closet. I am a very fashionable person, if I do say so myself. My rather tiny closet is packed wall to wall with anything I think is cute, whether it fits my "style" or not. Since Claire and I are the same height and size, she could easily wear something of mine. For me, we picked out a pink lacy blouse and dark denim trouser shorts. Claire wore a ruffled yellow tank to compliment her fiery hair, and a pair of ripped, light wash denim shorts. I slipped on my navy TOMS with a white heart on the sides, and Claire put on her converse. We were ready to go.

            "Hey Claire, mind if I call Mitch real quick?" I asked.

            Claire grinned like the Cheshire cat, and nodded. "We're leaving in 15 minutes though, so keep it quick. You lovebirds tend to be on the phone for HOURS."

            I glared at Claire. She was being sarcastic. Our phone conversations never lasted more than 5 minutes, but we could text or talk in person for hours. Claire thought it was stupid that we couldn't keep up a convo when on the phone, and she had made a point of telling both Mitch and I that. We didn't care.

            Claire went downstairs to my living room, and I dialed the familiar number, than pressed the phone to my ear. Mitch picked up on the 3rd ring. "Hello?"

            "Hey!" I responded, smiling to myself.

            "Trinity! Hey babe! What's up?" he asked. I giggled, it was so sweet he knew my voice from just one word.

            "Nothing much, heading to the One Direction concert with Claire. We got free front row seats AND backstage passes from the boys themselves because of the whole trampling incident."

            "Oh yeah, Claire called and told me about that earlier! Sorry I couldn't make it babe, that happened right as I was leaving for my grandparents! I would have called earlier, but I figured you were still unconscious in the hospital!"

            I laughed lightly. "No, I woke up a few hours ago. But they wouldn't give me my cell phone, and when I got home, Claire and I crashed. Sorry baby!"

            "It's fine, don't worry. Call me if you need anything, okay? I'm going to take you out to dinner when I get home, so keep you calendar cleared."

            I smiled. "Okay, sounds good. I've got to go, bye! Miss you!"

            "Miss you too babe, bye!"

            I hung up, still smiling. I walked into my living room to find Claire sitting on the couch. Fox was right beside her, and she pet him gently while she tapped away on her phone. Both of them looked up when I entered the room. Fox barked and ran over to me, jumping on my legs. I laughed and picked Fox up, giving him a hug before setting him down again gently. Claire just walked slowly over, sending one last text before looking up at me. She smirked, "So, I've got the tickets, the passes, some money, my keys, and my phone. You've got everything?"

            I nodded, holding up my phone and my money.

            "Great, then let's go to a concert!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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