Chapter 2

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Alba: Wait, my new roommate??

Natalia: Yes. Can you please for the love of God stop pointing that knife at me? I promise I'm not gonna eat you.

Alba: Right...sorry. (she says while lowering the knife)

New roommate. Joder, Maria, thanks for telling me. This girl is absolutely gorgeous though and she has a guitar with her which means she's a lost soul like Maria and I. I don't know what to say to her so for a while we just stare at each other.

Natalia: I'm Natalia, by the way. 

Alba: I'm Alba. So... how exactly did Maria find you?

Natalia: Oh, well I was having a conversation on the phone with someone and I said " I'll sleep on the street if I have to" and Maria  I guess heard that and asked me if I wanted to move in. Well, as long as I get a job this week so that I can start paying rent.

Alba: Yep, that sounds right. That is my Maria, she's crazy like that sometimes, you'll see. 

Natalia: It's okay I like the crazy.

Alba: Well it's better you sleep in a bed than on the street and we do need another person in the house so...welcome!


Alba showed me around the house while she was making angry calls to Maria, telling her that she's an asshole for not announcing that someone was moving in and for almost killing that certain someone with...well a butter knife. I totally understand her anger, if I were Alba, my reaction would have been 10 times worse but Alba seems like a much more gentle soul than me.

The day went by quite fast with all the moving around of my like 3 things. Maria came back to the apartment at about 8 pm.

Maria: Chicas, tonight we are throwing a party for Julia's leaving and for Natalia's moving in. No choice of say in this situation. It's happening.

Alba: Mariaaaa, party again? You know I have midterms coming up, plus you literally throw a party every week.

Maria: Albi, I love you, but shut that beautiful mouth of yours. The party is happening. Don't you want to introduce our newly Madrinelian artist roommate to our friends? She's alone here, a welcome party could be good for her. 

Natalia: Alba, it's okay if you don't want to. We can just see a movie all together when you finish midterms or something, we don't have to throw a party. 

I really did feel bad for the girl and now she was pouting which is to say the least one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. 

Maria: Natalia! You shut up too. Party tonight at 10:30. I'm going to get alcohol and you guys clean up and put some bowls and ashtrays up. 

Half an hour later me and Alba were cleaning up the house in complete silence until she asked:

Alba: So why did you move here Natalia Lacunza- the most mysterious girl on the planet, eh?

Natalia: It is a long and dreadful story that you do not want to hear...

Alba moves closer and places her hand over mine, almost as a reassurance that she was there no matter what I said.

Alba: Well, I understand painful, so if you ever wanna talk, my room is one meter away from case you want to talk. 

She looked at me with such sincerity and generosity, how could anyone not love this human being?

Natalia: Thanks, churri. I'm glad I moved in with you guys.


The house was ready at about 10, so both me and Natalia went to change and prepare for the people coming. I decided to wear a red bodysuit with a flame on it along with my black ripped jeans, something not too casual but not too dressy. I walk out into the living room and I see Natalia in the kitchen smoking. For a second there I lost my breath because of her beauty. She was wearing purple overalls and a black brassiere underneath with a perfect makeup look. Natalia was gorgeous. 

Alba: You look really good. 

Natalia: Ai Alba, no, look at you, you look so nice. 

We watch each other intensely, analyzing every bit of body part and bone structure that there was to see. A certain tension was created...unfortunately it was broken by the doorbell.

Maria: CHICASSSSSSS! I brought friends and alcohol.

Maria came in with most of the people in our friend group and each of them was carrying a wealthy amount of alcohol in their hands. The group was formed by Julia, Carlos, Marilia, Marta, Africa, Sabela, Damion and last but not least...Joan. 

You see, Joan and I used to be incredibly good friends until he fell in love with me and kept insisting that we at least try to date because we were perfect for each other. I believe he still likes me and he is a very persistent person, especially when he drinks.

Alba: Holi amigos! Welcome to the party that I 100% did not want to throw! (I say in the most serious tone I can think of)

Africa: Alba, shush! Let's drink and have fun, we' re 20-year-olds in Madrid for fuck's sake. This is our time. 

Albi: Always the same speech...ALRIGHT, let's drink!

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