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"A kiss is a secret which takes the lips for the ears."
-Edmond Rostand.

"Make me immortal with a kiss."
-Christopher Marlone.

"Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people."
-Caitlyn Siehl.

"-Caitlyn Siehl

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Okay, so just to clarify things

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Okay, so just to clarify things. Luke chatted Anna up early in the morning and asked her out on a date. I hope that makes sense now. Cool.

I will be dedicating this chapter to Wattpad AOG_Community Dhimeji7 Blessing_smile Sharpmouth shattonken sekerportakali- Nozie08

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