What if I told you.....

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That you were a walrus. How would you react? What would you do? And, how the hell did you not know you were a walrus?

What if I told you.....

That you are an alien from outer space. What would you do? How would you react? What would you do when I tell you I'm an alien so you are an alien to me?

What if I told you....

That you failed your math test? What would you think? How would you react? How much time do you think you're getting grounded for?

What if I told you....

That the whole universe is a just a mere piece of dust inside a house of another larger universe. How would you react? What would you think? How many times would you try to convince someone until you figure out I was kidding?

The finalle....

What if I you....

That there is no "told" in that sentence would you react? What would you do? How mad are you at me?

That was it. What if I told you that wasn't the end. What would you do? How would you react? What would you do when I said I was kidding?

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