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It was a dark, silent night amongst the trees. He had been watching for sometime; waiting for the perfect moment. Shit. He thought to himself, he sworn the girl had seen him. He shook the weight of the anxiety off, scolding himself for giving this second thoughts. The boy waited for them to disappear; though he could see the grey clouds of smoke and the small glow of fire in the distance.

He signalled through the radio, he had found people and they had supplies, supplies they would need. He had a twinge of guilt -- though he wasn't quite sure why, for he didn't know these people, why would he feel guilt? He knew they would be defenceless but he was simply following orders in order to survive.

This was the cruel world now, supplies would eventually run out and the group — selfish group of greedy people would want more and in return, with the false promise of taking people in to protect. The boy also fell for this. The plan had come through, he couldn't turn back now.


"Willow! Willow wake up!" Alex's frantic voice woke his younger sister. She stirred awake, the swirl of moths in her stomach travelled to every inch of her body. His voice confirmed it all. She exited the tent, tripping in the dirt in the process. She didn't notice that she had been impaled through the ankle by some loose metal wiring. Instead, the noise. The noise is what turned her stomach. She froze in terror. Alex continued to grab what necessities they needed. He was in pure panic. Is dad dead? Why didn't he return? The radio he attempted to contact his father, was dead.

"Will, dad isn't here. Fuck - we need to go now. Get your bag," he grabbed her wrist tight, shaking her from the trance. "Don't turn around, don't look. We need to go right now." He shoved her bag into her hands. The growl and moans were closer. They could smell the stench of rotten flesh; the smell of pure death. He held his gun in his shaking palm, as he pulled his sister away. How did they find us? Why is this happening? The only things going Willows mind. Their bodies were pumping with pure adrenaline, shaking with fear. She had injuried her foot, the pain surging through the adrenaline. Willow began to limp, slowing down her hand slipping for Alex's. He turned - panting, face red and coated in sweat.

"Willow get up! You'll get us killed. Now - get up!" He screamed, tears brimming his eyes. The whole thing felt like slow motion — he glanced and saw the slow, rotten beings tearing through what was once their tent, their small home. Then, he saw his little sister on the floor and if they didn't move, he knew for sure they would die a slow, painful death. He grabbed her under her arms, lifting her but she screamed. A deathly scream emitted from her vocal cords— laced with true fear as she twisted her head, seeing them in all their rotting glory. Her stomach churned, she wretched, coating herself in her own stomachs contents. Alex had no time to think, he had to act as her protector now. With all his might he pulled her up and dragged her. He had to block out the noise of her groans and pull her. Run.
They didn't know where they were headed, they just ran. Both, in terrible states, coated in sweat and vomit Willow began to slow again.

"My...foot..Alex I can't..." her voice trembled, "I want dad. Please..." her voice trailed off. She became faint, blood coating the bottom of her pants, the pain coursing through her veins. He reached for his gun when he saw two of them had become quite close behind them both. 3 bullets in the magazine. That's all he had. One bullet he had to save for himself. That's what he always told himself. He held the gun pointed at one of them; its pale, grey rotten flesh. It's jaw, hanging from its face, one eye missing. Shoot. He pulled the trigger, the bullet piercing it between the eyes. The other, continued forward with a good 10 following not far behind. One more bullet left, he pointed, his hand shaking viciously. If I miss, we die. Time seemed to stop as he pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the dead in its neck. It continued on. No, no, no. "No!" He screamed, this couldn't be the end. How could he miss such a vital shot? Willow was in and out of consciousness on the ground. We're going to die. Again, everything slowed down. The infected was inching forward, its partially skeleton - partially rotting, black flesh inching closer to his sister on the ground.
He held his gun up once more. He let out a loud scream as he pressed his feeble finger to the trigger.

There, almost out of nowhere, a bullet ripped through its skull. Though it wasn't from Alex's gun. It came from the right. Up through the trees, there was a figure, he couldn't make out any features. Alex without a second thought ran straight to his sister. "Willow, come on." He slapped her cheek lightly, "sir...please help us?"

He looked up at the figure, his words almost begging the tall figure. He again glanced in the direction of the walkers. Closer. He looked at the figure again, almost hesitating the figure trudged down the hill, towards them. Alex was unnerved, though desperate times come to desperate measures.

The glow of the moon shon on the mans face, young, long dark wavy hair and a chiselled facial structure. "You...you need to h-help us." Alex pleaded. The man briefly nodded and quickly lifted Willow up off the ground, she flopped like a rag doll. He didn't seem fazed by the blood soaking her leg or the contents of her stomach covering her chest and crotch area.

"Take my gun. Keep them off, don't be as useless with your gun as you was before or else you're going to get us all killed." He spoke so stern. Alex had no time to respond, after all this stranger saved the both of them.


Guilt. Guilt is what drove him to come to their aid. He had to watch as they set the walkers onto the two young people. They had planned it all.

He watched as the hoard were released, he watched as the boy gathered his things and get the girl. He saw everything and the weight of the guilt was unbearable.

So he came back.

And this is where it begins.

if I could get some votes + comments of ur thoughts this would be greatly appreciated x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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