why mother

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why mother did you have to choose your bad thoughts of my husband over your daughter?

why mother did you have to choose you bad thoughts of their daddy over you grand-kids?

why mother did you have to ruin our relationship?

why mother did you have to tell your grand-kids that their daddy was not a man when you know its a lie cause he is their hero?

why mother did you say those things so now my kids are asking me questions and me have to explain to a four and two year old why their Nanni talks about their daddy like that?

why mother did you have to choose your selfishness over your grand-kids because now i have to ask why they don't see their Nanni?

why mother did you have to leave me without a choice to have a mother in my life?

why mother did you have to leave all this on me?

was it to make being a mother harder?

was it because you thought i wasnt a good daughter, mother , wife?

or was it because you thought i was just joking?

but i guess the jokes on you because of your actions you no longer have us in your life and im doing a much better job then you cause i put my family first and not myself!!!

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