Sade's Adventure (unfinished)

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Sade’s Adventure

It was October of 2010, the weather was perfect. Not to cold and not to hot. Which was odd for October. After a long day at work. All Sade wanted was to unwind. A walk couldn’t hurt, she thought to herself. As she headed home from the office. It was just around 9pm when she got home. When she got inside, she’d greeted her cat, bending down at her waist to scratch behind her love bugs ear. Watching as he leaned into her palm, curling so he fell with a thud to the floor and rolling around. Sade giggled and said she missed her love bug. She stood up and wondered off to the bathroom, grabbed towels from the closet, and began to undress. She pulled back the shower curtain, and leant over to turn the cold water on, then the hot water. Letting it run for a moment, checking the temperature she felt it to be just right, she switched the water so it would spray out of the shower head. Then stepped into the shower. Let out a pleasurable moan as the water caressed her back, she stepped back some so the water could run over her head as she tilted her head back and soon her face, closing her eyes, muscles relaxing. She washed her hair, then her body, not worried about shaving, due to having done so the day before. When she was done, she dried off, brushed her hair, putting it into a pony tail, and then getting dressed. She wore tight blue jeans, that hugged her figure. Her top showed luscious cleavage. She readily head to the door, then stepped out on the porch, zipping her jacket, that snug her young figure. Closing the door behind her as she looked up at the night sky. She filled her lungs with the fresh cool air. Only to exhale a moment later, turning she brought the key to the lock that had been in her hand, putting the key in and turning it to lock it. Slipping the key into her pocket. She sighed softly, then began to head down the street. A sense of calmness came over her, as the cool air caressed her face.  Tho she was exhausted from work she knew a walk would do wonders.     

( please note, that I write for fun.. I am strugling to get back into writing.. I would just like to see what people think of my work so far.. I am hopeing to get back into a groove. I miss writing so much,,,,... God Bless)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2012 ⏰

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