Camping Catastrophe (Modern!Bjorn)

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It'll be fun, you're going to love it!

Bjorn's words did little to comfort and warm you at the current moment.

"Bjorrrnn." You groan, the chilly wind whips around you causing your teeth to shake and chatter. "How much longer do we need to do this?"

Glancing over his shoulder, Bjorn holds out his hand, offering to pull you up to stand beside him. "Not long, we're almost to the top." He replies effortlessly.

Slowly climbing up the hill, you release his hand and continue to shiver. This had to be the worst idea he's ever had. Your first weekend away, together, and your blond god talked you into camping.

Sounds lovely, until you remember that it is autumn and the evening temperatures aren't even reaching the plus side of the thermometer. Bjorn said it would be fun to hike, canoe, and explore the local nature reserve together. What he failed to mention was how you would freeze to death before morning.

Some where above the trees surrounding you, there was a sunset to end all sunsets. At the top of the mountain, Bjorn insisted would be the best place to watch. Why were you still listening to him?

"Are you okay?" Bjorn calls behind when he realizes you are no longer close.

"I'm fine." You call back, trying your best not to sound annoyed.

Ahead of you, looking flawless in his lumberjack attire, Bjorn frowns and slides down the small dirty bank.

"Come on." He wraps you in his arms, his body is like a heavenly furnace against you. "We can go back to the camp site."

"But the sunset." You point upward.

"There will be others," Bjorn shrugs, taking your shaking hands in his. Rubbing his hands over yours, warmth seem to spread through your entire body. Thawing like a cold day giving into the warm Spring sunshine.

"Are you sure?" You cock your brow and sniffle, the end of your nose cold and dripping.

Bjorn nods. "Yes, now come." He starts down the hillside.

Sunsets from a mountain top were romantic, no doubt, unless one half of that party was slowly freezing. Bjorn carefully navigated your back down, the descend back to camp didn't feel like it took as long - thank gods.

Opening the truck door, Bjorn ushered you in, turning the key to start the heater. Kissing your cheek, his beard scratching you lightly, he spoke. "Stay here, I'll be back."

With that he shut the door and disappeared. Lovely! Here you were, alone, while Bjorn was out in the wildness doing who knows what. Your mind automatically assumes the worst, bears, cliffs, psychopathic hikers...Nervous you sit daring not to move.

If he isn't back in half an hour...You sigh in relief when Bjorn reappears with an arm load of wood. Poking your head out the window, you ask if he needs help.

"You stay put, I'll make a fire and then we can get real cozy in our tent." Bjorn instructs with a wink.

Bjorn Ironside/Alexander LudwigWhere stories live. Discover now