Altair: The Beginning

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In a world that is falling to ruin, Anastasia Warin faces a daunting, if not deadly destiny: to relinquish the Crown from the one who currently reigns.

The Secret World—where phenomenal species like Absorbers, Morphers, Masters of the Elements, and more—has coexisted alongside the Normal World since the beginning of time.  For the past several hundred years, however, the two worlds have been at war.  Now, after the tragic and untimely death of the Great King, the Secret World finds itself in the midst of civil bloodshed. 

            Anastasia (Ana) Warin is the only person who can reunite the worlds, bringing them out of the Dark Ages and into the light.  Be that as it may, the reigning Queen will see to it that Ana fails to claim the Crown.  Ana escapes with her life to go on an epic journey to power.  Along the way, she discovers herself and uncovers the buried secrets of the Secret World.  She will run into trouble, including Normals, who want so much to keep the Secret World a myth.  Ana will risk losing herself, all the while discovering who she really is. 

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