Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The metal door opened, Tris slipping inside as Patrick quickly shut the door behind. The concrete built room had two twin beds, dark walls making the scenery feel gloomy. Tris found Valentin in one bed, Jeana already standing from her presence.

"You come her to gloat?" Jeana tapped her brothers leg, waking him up. She stood, preparing for a fight. "I ask you to help my brother only to lock both of us inside."

Tris pointed to Valentin as he stood. "You preferred him out there alone, instead of healing within your own reach?" Before she could retort, Tris continued. "I owed neither of you a damn thing. I needed to get into this base. I only chose to take him, so he wouldn't come later and cause trouble."

"I won't be locked away. We did nothing-"

"I know. And I told them you both were innocent."

Jeana opened her mouth about to shout when she managed to finally listen to Tris words. "You told them the truth?" she spoke slow and incredulous.

Tris nodded. "Its been handled. They only want you two to leave."

"Then why are you here?"

"To make sure you two actually leave. More so, your brother."

Valentin stuck out his middle finger. "I am happy when my sister is not trying to recruit others."

"This world has gone to shit. It will only get worse. It hasn't even been a year yet. How bad do you think it will get before everyone who's left, go barbarian. I am only thinking ahead and trying to be allied with people of uniqueness." Jeana crossed her arms. "And my offer will always stand. We aren't human. Not really. And you will run into others who want you dead because of it."

There was a lot of truth to that. Tris never believed she'd be accepted by all. Sometimes she wondered if it was safer for her family to disappear. But, without them, she would lose control and they'd be without her. They were not meant to split. "I think...because you both won't let anyone normal are losing your humanity each day. I both need to reevaluate how disconnected you want to become."

Jeana eyes softened. She looked to her brother and smiled for the first time. "We can't. But, I'm glad to know you kept your word."

Tris nodded. "They'll provide you with your weapons and other belongings outside the gate." She straightened, knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.

The door opened, Patrick standing with a gun at his hip.

"Get up, Valentin. And, absolutely follow my orders," Jeana warned her brother.

They were guided out and once out through the front entrance of the building connected to the Stadium, Patrick handed back their bags and weapons.

Justice held up a key and pointed to the car. "This car belonged to the individual who attacked you both. I am truly sorry. We also provided you with some provisions for your troubles."

With distrusting eyes, Jeana slanted her eyes to Tris. Pursing lips, Jeana snatched the keys from his hands. "We won't be planning to see this place again. So you can sleep well knowing that." Jeana eyes landed on Tris and then narrowed back to Justice.

"I'll give you a moment." Justice nodded his head to Patrick for him to follow.

Tris stepped closer, Jeana making sure they were private enough for her to speak. "I didn't know if you could be trusted."

"Same to you," Tris admitted.

Jeana crossed her arms, deciding her words. Valentin huffed but that did not discourage her from speaking. "I-when the virus outbreak occurred and our father was murdered. He gave us a key." Jeana handed it to us. "He told me, that the government would try to take over the science he created and turn it into a weapon. And that, when that time came, to go to Texas University." She sighed, and handed her brother the keys. "Turn on the car and put our stuff away."

Her brother frowned but nodded after a few seconds. They watched him walk off and go to the car, turning on the engine. There was a loud hum.

There was curiosity in why Jeana sent her brother away. Tris waited, giving Jeana the time to speak without rushing. Tris wasn't known for patience, only when it mattered. She twisted to find Justice and Patrick standing next to the door entrance. She held up her index, signalling for them to give her another minute. "You have my attention."

Jeana nodded. She squeezed her fist tight with the key held in her hand. When she opened it, Tris laid her eyes on the gold small key. It looked to open a box and not a door. "Our father warned me of this happening. Told me the government was responsible. I'm...I don't know what will be at the University of Texas. Or who? But, I know, I can't fulfill my promise right now." She turned to look to her brother. "You are right. We are losing our humanity. More so my brother." Jeana lowered her head, softness in her eyes for the first time. "He has...always been off. But, the mutation has made him worse. I don't trust that we could handle a travel that far. I am going to lose my brother."

Air thickened, as Tris forced herself not to picture her brother slipping away. "I'm sorry."

Jeana spoke firmly. "If I can't help him regain his humanity and learn to be a true survivor, rather I am forced to put him out of misery or someone else...I will be back. That is the whole purpose to ambushing you and your family." Jeana kept holding the key out. "I get you have to make sure your family is safe. But, I am asking you, one last time, for a favor." Her eyes lingered on Tris. "If I am not back in six months...I am asking you to go to that University. Something tells me, it will be the answers we need to ending this all."

Tris stiffened, staring down at the key. "I-"

"I will know how to find you. But if I don't come, it means I never will. This could be what we need--what you need, to end this and protect your brother. Your family."

Taking in her words, Tris nodded. All she wanted was for this to end. Part of her wanted to leave now to end it all but she knew she wasn't ready. She needed to secure her family first and make a solid plan. Texas was big. Millions of people meant, millions of zombies. After a few seconds, Tris nodded. "I can do that. Six months, starting now."

Jeana placed the key in the palm of Tris hand. "I will see you in six months."

Tris nodded and watched Jeana walk off and then they drove away. She studied the key again and stored it in her small wallet she'd never let go. She would never lose it.

Turning, she walked to Justice and Patrick and they all walked back inside. She'd tell Felicia, Madison, and her brother about this but wait until she could trust Justice and they had their deal before she would tell them anything.

But for now, they'd head to training.

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