Nothing Is Ever Easy

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On the Car Ride Back

Cookie's POV

It still doesn't feel real. I have no clue how Lucious is going to take this new obstacle. We already have so much on our plate including Hakeem. The last thing we need is a new distraction. I already know that Lucious is going to be watching me like a hawk. I'm never going to have time for myself again. I stop to get something to eat because I am starving. As I get back in my car, I see a familiar face, one that I never thought I would see again. This tall dark man in a trench coat. I stared from the inside of my car, because I had to make sure I am seeing the right person.

As I sit in the same position, my phone rings. I look down and see Lu's name lit up on my screen. "Hey baby," I greeted Lucious. "Where are you Cook? Mal said that you went to check on something." He asked. Before I answered him, I looked back up to see if the guy was still there. When I saw he wasn't, I turned my focus back to the task at hand. "Yeah I had to go get my prescription switched. It made me feel sick so Dr. Montgomery gave me a different one," I quickly told him.

Lucious sat on the phone silently like he does when he doesn't fully believe what you're saying. He finally broke the silence and said, "Ok babe. Are you on the way? I have a list of artists who may be willing to rebuild with us." "Umm yeah, I'm on the way. Lu do you know if Malcom is back in town?" I asked curiously. He got quiet once again then took a deep breathe. "No, I don't know. Why do you ask?" I debate with myself about my next words because either Lucious will dismiss it or he will get upset and his jealousy will take over his judgment.

"I was just asking. I walked past a man that looked like him. Just thought you would know if he was back or not," I told him. Hopefully that didn't spark any jealous feelings because I don't have time for this. "I can ask Thirsty to look into it if you want," he offered. "No that's ok. It's not important. But I do have to talk to you about something when I get home," I said. "Alright babe, I'll see you later," He rushed and hung up before I could say goodbye.

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Malcom. The damage is already done and I have to go face his mood swings. I kind of would like Malcom to be back in town. It would be nice to see him again and just catch up. Let me stop thinking about that. I probably wasn't seeing clearly anyways. There is no way Malcom is here. I pull up to the mansion and see another car pulled in the driveway and it's not Andre's. I park and hurry into the house. Once I get inside and start walking around, I see Jamal leaning against the wall of Lucious' office. I walk over to him so I can see what he's seeing. I can't possibly be seeing this right. I do not see my husband and my ex-boyfriend shaking hands. "Hello, Mrs. Lyon. It's nice to see you again.

Malcom's POV

Seeing Cookie again struck up old feelings I didn't know I still had. Part of me wanted to pick her up and kiss her nonstop. I know she is shocked to see me, but hopefully not so shocked that she won't allow me to finish the job I was assigned to. I was working for some very important figure heads in Washington when I got notice that I was needed for a personal job back in New York. It wasn't until I got back, did I know it involved me getting my old job with the Lyon family. That's been my only task so far and it's strange because I am supposed to work for them without allowing them to pay for my services. The person who hired mehas already paid my regular 7 figure salary times 4. And that was just the beginning.

As I stand admiring the glow on Cookie, I hear Lucious say, "Malcom came back and would like to do security for us again. He says he heard about us not having Empire anymore and thought he could be of assistance." Cookie looked at me with her big brown eyes then walked over to Lucious. She grabbed his hand and whispered something to him. He nodded and asked her was she sure and she nodded yes. "Ok, it's settled. It's nice to have you back Malcolm. Let's start with getting the security systems of this house redone. Then once that's done, you'll be my wife's personal security guard," he explained.

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