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You laugh
Ash/ let me see my bebe
He gives you Julisa
Ash/ hey bbg
She yawns and falls asleep on your chest
Ash/ awww
You wake up
( Gotcha you were never pregnant. Sorry)
A/ what's wrong?
Ash/ I had a dream I had a baby
A/ I can make that dream come true
Ash/ I'm not ready yet baby
A/ awe
He makes a sad face
Ash/ ily
A/ ilym
Ash/ impossible
A/ not even
He kisses you
Ash/ if I did have a baby would you leave me?
A/ ofc not! I want to be your baby daddy and I want have kids with you when your ready
Ash/ ok
A/ I want you to meet someone today
Ash/ who?
A/ my cuz emrick
Let's say he's 16 in the story
Ash/ ok, when's is he coming
A/ right now
Ash/ huh?
Just then someone walks in the door
E/ hey I'm emrick
Holy shit he's hot
End of POV
Ash/ hi I'm Ashley but you can call me ash
Alex POV
I could tell ash liked him. I brought him here so I could get with hailey
End of POV
A/ can I talk to go ash
Ash/ yea
A/ we need to break up
Ash/ What!
A/ you like emrick
Ash/ he's cute but my heart belongs to you!
A/ I'm sorry I like Hailey!
A/ I'm sorry
Ash/ She's with brandon!
A/ they broke up
He packed all his stuff and grabbed Henry then left
You fall to the floor and start balling your eyes out
Ash/ he really left me after he said he wanted kids with me
E/ r u ok?
Ash/ no, he told me he would never leave me but he did. I let him walk all over me. Every time we broke up he came back and said sorry and I would always fucking for five him!
You pick up the glass vase on the table and through it on the floor and it broke
E/ hey it's okay
He pulls you in to a hug and you hug back
Ash/ he's such an asshole
E/ trust me I know
You laugh a bit
Gio and leilani come down
G/ what happened
Ash/ Alex left me
Gio looked happy
L/ why are you smiling?
G/ no reason
Finally I can have a second chance with Ashley
End of POV
L/ are you ok?
Ash/ yea ig
G/ oh hey emrick
E/ hey
Did I tell you guys that your going on tour
Ash/ well we better get ready for tour, we leave in 3 hours
You and leilani go to your room and pack
E/ do you like Ashley
G/ a little
E/ well stay away she's mine
G/ what makes you think that
E/ Alex sent me here to get with her
G/ so you don't really love her
E/ ofc I do
You and leilani come back downstairs 2 hours later
G/ damn what took y'all so long
1 hour later
We finally get on the bus
L/ hey babe I'm gonna sit with Desi
G/ ok
You and emrick sit together
He puts his hand on your thigh
Ash/ not now emrick
E/ why
He squeezes your thigh
Ash/ emrick stop
E/ no!
He kisses your neck
Ash/ stop!
E/ shut up!
He slaps you hard and you start crying
You move his hand off of you and sit by gio
G/ what's wrong
You told him everything that happened
G/ fucking asshole
Ash/ it's fine
G/ no it's not you can't let him put his hands on you
Ash/ can we forget about it pls
G/ fine
You lay your head on his chest
Ash/ I love you big bro
G/ love you too lil sis
You call him but bro
You end up falling asleep on his chest
He kisses your head and falls asleep
I'm back!!!!

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