Still Alive? (Arthur Morgan)

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Looking through the bars of the moving wagon at the frostbitten land around her, Maddyson sighed causing a puff of white smoke to leave her chapped lips. She moved her hands slightly trying to get her battered and bruised body a little more comfortable. While doing so, it made the shackles holding them to jingle and clank together.

One of the men sitting at the front of the wagon turned around to stare at the woman. His storm-grey eyes narrowed slightly, watching her movement closely. The way he stared at her was like a predator would a prey when it was about to pounce on its next meal. Smirking slightly, he opened his mouth and spoke."You know miss Maddyson, we could have avoided this whole situation if you just told us where the Van Der Linde gang is headin' to."

Maddyson tore her gaze from the moving scenery to the blonde hair Pinkerton that spoke to her "I ain't tellin' you nothin' so quit tryin' to ask" Maddyson all but spat at the man clenching her hands into fists. The man tutted and rolled his eyes before he turned back around so he was facing back to the front.

The older Pinkerton who was leading the horses chuckled slightly and looked to his partner "There's no use in askin' her boy, she's a van der Linde rat... always so loyal to the leader and the rest of that gang. I'm happy that at least one is now captured and will be hung for the crimes they have committed. One less outlaw to worry about I suppose"

Maddyson's body tensed, clenching her jaw. She started thinking back to the day that led her to get captured by the Pinkertons who are now riding her to her Demise.

It was back when she and the rest of the gang were in Blackwater. They had just finished a big heist which led to a whole lot of Pinkertons to go after the gang and her.

---- Weeks earlier ----

Maddyson was at the back of the gang riding her trusty steed Alfie through the woods. Her horse galloping as fast as he could, shots could be heard behind her. a bullet whizzed passed barely inches to where her head was. her horse swerved slightly nighing in distress, Maddison glanced down at her horse seeing his head shaking side to side as he galloped through the woods "it's all right boy, we're nearly there don't give up on me now! we'll get through this" she encouraged her horse.

Luck was sadly not on her side, for as soon as she said this to her horse, a bullet embedded into the right side of her shoulder which caused her to scream and lost her grip on Alfie's reigns. Alfie whined in terror bucking her off and galloped away into the forests dense vegetation where he could no longer be seen.

The ground rumbled slightly as Galloping and also shouts could be heard behind, knowing she had to act fast. Maddyson got up as quick as she could, bringing her left hand to her right shoulder to try and stop as much bleeding as she could. She then started to run to the right to where her horse had run off in hoping that she would not be seen by any Pinkertons coming her way. The horses grew nearer to where she was running. Her eyes looked frantically around her, looking for a place to hide. In her frantic vision she caught a large bush to her left, she sighed in relief and dove inside. waiting for the Pinkertons to pass.

To her demise, a few Pinkertons stopped merely a few yards from her on their horses. holding her breath, she watched through the leaves, hoping they wouldn't stay long.

"we're gonna spread out boys, William said he heard a shout of one of those rats somewhere around here. I want them found! if they are still alive, bring them back alive. I want to see every one of those thieves hung for the whole of Blackwater to see !" the leader of the group shouted as he kicked his horse to continue to run forward, some followed him and the rest went left or right that is, all but one.

A young Pinkerton that looked to be 19 years of age got off his horse, his eyes roamed the area. trying to see anything suspicious. once he saw that he couldn't find anything out of place, he went to put his gun back in its holster. while doing so, the Pinkerton saw something red on the ground. he stopped what he was doing and quickly knelt down. he brought his free hand to the red substance and lightly touched it. it was still warm and slightly sticky. the boy knew right away what it was. "blood" he said softly. The young Pinkerton took his eyes off the blood that was now on his fingers and looked at the little pool of it, he saw that bits of the blood were leading to the left of him to a bush. The boys' eyes widened slightly, not knowing what to do. It was his first outing as a Pinkerton and he didn't know whether he should attempt to catch whoever is in the bush alone or he finds someone older and a little more experienced to get whoever is in there.

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