chapter one: meet myself..

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hello I'm Allen Gabriel y.Rabang I want you to tell myself... wahahahaah not my address... never...... I'm 11 years old grade 5 student ..... I'm an Asian .... and I have a onii Chan (big brother) his name is Akito yuki y. Rabang.... he's kind of sweet,attractive and handsome but I just realized something.... something that I don't expect.... well..... my onii Chan is yaoi (otakus know what yaoi is) yeah... he have a crush... not being proud I was shocked and his crush is....... me.... O.O.....

A/N: thank you guys for reading this is only a short chapter but... please give votes..  thanks to Alexandra...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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