Chapter 1: Ava G.

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This morning I woke up to my alarm. That horrible sounding thing you have to wake up to for work or something ? That's it . I got out of bed and went into the restroom and got in the shower. Then got out and brushed my teeth and put on clothes . I went downstairs. I walked to the bus stop with my friend Mara, she lives a floor down from me."Sup, Ava." "Hi." "Hey, Ava, you know you look like Ari Grande right?" "Yes , I know . You tell me every day." We got to the bus stop, payed our fair , and sat down next to Mara. I looked out the window, and I saw a hobo looking man , and I think he was talking to a hair ball. Denver is a crazy place. We rode on, and on, till I got to my stop. The mall. I work at Forever 21. I was walking to the mall entrance. When my phone starting ringing. My ringtone is problem by Ariana Grande , my secret twin sister.

I looked down at the screen to see who was calling me , It was Ari! OMG I miss her so much! "Hello? " "Hi! I miss you so much!" " Me too! Guess what? Me and Frankie are coming to visit you!" She said excitedly . "Oh my god! When? " I said so excitedly I was yelling in the parking lot of the mall.

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