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Ever since I was a child, I've always had good memory. Like really good memory. So much so that I even remembered the flight attendant that served me two years ago. This time she wasn't the one serving, but the one being served. I work at a coffee shop. "Warbux" it was called. Her dead eyes stared at me coldly as she ordered a cappuccino.

"Is that all you'll be ordering this morning?" I ask politely. She simply nodded. For someone who looked about 30 years old, her face was so void of life. Not to mention she was a looker— I want her skincare routine.

"Thank you very much! Your order will arrive shortly. May I get your name?" I ask nicely, as is protocol.

She remained silent for a moment, vividly hesitating.
"Margaret." She replied finally. Margaret. What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. I carefully wrote her name on a cup. I don't think I'll ever forget her name.

I felt intrigued by the woman, for no apparent reason. She was so aloof and mysterious, I wanted to uncover her secrets, as nosy as that might sound. I relate to her as well, as my life had been just as miserable as hers had seemed— from the look on her face, of course.
She was sitting at the corner of the shop, reading today's paper in the newest edition of The England Times. I gathered up my courage to go serve her, feeling somewhat flustered.

"Here you are, Mrs. Margaret. Your cappuccino." I smile, setting down the drink.

"Miss," she corrects. "I'm no longer married. The honourific is Miss."

"Apologies, Miss Margaret, it will not happen again." I bowed, shamefully.

"No, it's quite alright. I am an old lady after all. It would be common for people to think of me as married."

"Nonsense! You are but 30 max! You aren't old in the least. Everyone has their own circumstances." I replied, a bit angered that she thought of herself that way.

Realizing that I had accidentally raised my voice, I immediately apologized. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell!"

She looked at me sorrowfully. "Thank you... miss. Your hospitality is rare in this day and age."

"Anne," I held out my hand. "that's my name."

"Anne... what a beautiful name." She pondered. I blushed, as if by déjà vu, she had repeated the same words I had thought about her name out loud.

"Thank you," I managed to mumble without making a fool out of myself. "Margaret is prettier in my opinion, though."

She laughed. "My, my. Kids these days have a way with words."

"Kid? I'm 27, ma'am. A grown woman." I pouted, shocked that she thought of me as a kid.

Her face had a puzzled expression. "What? You're 3 years younger? Impossible!"

"That's the first time someone has said that to me. I'll take it as a compliment, though." I winked, chuckling a bit.

Today is a good day. Actually, everyday seemed like a good day, especially since I saw her every morning. We'd have 5 minute conversations, then I'd have to resume my duties.

"Anne." She called.

"Ah, Margaret!" I waved. We had dropped the honourifics and had gotten closer as the days progressed.

"Yes, hello. Your shift ends at noon, right?" She asked.

"Mhm." I responded, agreeing with her.

"That's good. I'll wait for you then." I almost dropped her drink.

"Wha- really? You'll wait? That's-" I sputtered.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you more." She smiled, warming my heart up by the second.

"Yes, sure- of course!" I managed, before flushing up completely.

"Alright, then. Carry on with your job."

I had never wished for my shift to end more than now. When the clock hit 12, I raced out, practically dashing out to meet her.

"Hey." I said cooly, maybe or maybe not trying to somewhat impress her.

"Yo." She replies just as cooly, without missing a beat.

"So, what's up?" I ask.

"Ah, right. I wanted to have a little chat." She started. "To be honest, I don't think I have anyone else to talk to but you anymore, despite us being acquaintances. Sorry if I've bothered you in any way, I-I just... needed someone." Her voice trailed off, embarrassed.

I felt relieved. She was finally opening up to me. "Margaret. I never thought you'd ask. Your gaze had always been scornful and sorrowful. I wanted to comfort you in any way, but I wanted to respect your privacy rather than pry. I'm glad I could be of some assistance."

She gave me a small smile. "Really... what did I do to deserve you. I just pray I don't lose you too."


"Yeah. The first time we talked, I corrected your honourific. I told you I wasn't married right? Well that's because I'm a widow. I lost my husband, not to mention my children. I'm all alone."

I was overcome empathy. Coincidentally, we both had lost everyone dear to us. "I'm the same."

She looked up. "What? Really?"

"Yes. I had remarried too, but I regret that decision very much. Living with him is like hell. He himself doesn't even love me. It's a loveless marriage." I rubbed my temples.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Anne. Someone as kind hearted and beautiful as you surely deserves better."

I blushed. "Shucks, if anything, you're the one who deserves better. You're ten times more prettier."

"Don't be so modest. The first time I saw you, I wanted to know your skin routine."

Again. She uttered what I had thought about her. Is it destiny? My heart beat sped up.

My palms started to sweat. I'm too old for this, I shouldn't be crushing like a teenage girl anymore. Surely she would be bothered by such void feelings of mine. I should just keep quiet. Quiet. Quiet.

"I like you." I blurted out. Damn it, Anne. Even after you said to keep quiet you just had to say it. I covered my mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't mean- I just," I panicked.

Margaret smiled. "Me too."

"Pardon?" I asked shocked, not believing my ears.

"The feeling is mutual. To be completely honest, I denied that I was a dike. I'm a widow who had nothing left. I was broken. But you- you changed that. I started developing feelings for you without knowing it. You made my day, no matter how crappy it was." She explained.

I was at a loss for words. I looked down, completely flustered by her confession. "You know, I thought this love would be like a little crush, from my teen days. I didn't expect to have my feelings reciprocated."

"I as well." She smiled more. "Miss Anne, you were the one that made this broken woman love again."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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Prototype Fanfic Culminating: A Cup of CoffeeWhere stories live. Discover now