Chapter Twenty-Three

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"What are you gonna choose?"

Coach's words echoed through my brain. The threat was as sharp as a dagger, cutting me in all the right places.

Was it possible he was right? That there were only two choices? That my world was now black and white - going to football camp meant no more Elle, or that keeping Elle meant destroying my chance at a football career?

Was that even what I wanted anymore?

I thought hard about the question as I powered through training, refusing to meet Coach's eye. Each sprint, each touch the ground represented a different thought.

Breathe, run, touch. Thought one: pick Elle. Obviously.

Breathe, run, touch. Thought two: pick football. Elle would be fine without me, and we'll go back to normal in two months' time.

Breathe, run, touch. Thought three: Race back to the hospital and talk it out with Elle herself.

Thought three caught me be surprise. It was so reasonable! But how would I talk this out with Elle? I had to be careful with my words. I couldn't say, 'hi, it's you or football', or 'hi, I'm leaving you in the hospital to go to camp', or 'hi, I'm deserting my football dream to be with you'. No, none of those would work. I had to think things through.

It was so easy before she got sick. We'd been prepared for two months apart! We'd decided on a communication plan - when we'd facetime, when we'd call, when we'd try to plan a sneak visit from Elle to the campsite...but now, she was in hospital. She needed support! Going to camp when she was like seemed like desertion. It would mean football camp was more important than Elle's health. That wasn't true in the slightest! I couldn't let her think that.

Quickly, I darted off the field, leaving training early. I heard Coach calling after me, demanding an answer, but I ignored him. I'd text him later.

I pumped my legs - my muscles shaking from fatigue - all the way back to the hospital, where I arrived at Elle's bedside in a sweaty mess.

She was soundly sleeping, her sweet face relaxing my racing heartbeat. She stirred a little, then fell back into a deep slumber, light snores carrying through the room.

"Back so soon?" the nurse asked, the bags under her eyes only darkening by the minute.

"Yeah," I replied, not feeling the need to explain myself. "You heading home soon?"

She laughed. "You're funny. Give it a few more hours. But don't you worry about me, go tend to your girl."

I smiled gratefully. "Do you have any news?"

She shook her head. "Results are normally done by this time. The doctor will come for you when Elle's awake."

"Thanks," I said, nodding gratefully as I took the seat by Elle's bed.

I placed my hand on her waist and squeezed it gently. She mumbled quietly, and I instantly retracted my hand.

"Noah," she whispered, her voice raspy.

"Shh," I said. "I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep."

Like the stubborn girl that she was, Elle shook her head and pulled herself upright. Slowly, she released her hands from underneath the covers and took mine in hers. "Thank you for staying," she said. "I know it isn't particularly homey."

I glanced around the room and smiled. "It's perfect, so long as you're here. How are you feeling?"

She shrugged, then balled her hands into fists and rubbed her eyes. "Tired, but fine."

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