Abused and in love with my teacher

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Hi, Im Bethany Ella Dawson but my friends call me Beth or El. I live in Brooklyn, New York with my dad. My mom died 3 years ago in a plane crash going to visit her family in Houston, Texas. I miss her, ever since my mom died my dad hasn't been the same, he abuses me and he gets drunk. I can't wait til I turn 18, I'll be out of that house but not out of his life because I'm the only one he's got. You see my dad's family turned on him when he started drinking. Right now I'm 17 and I'll be 18 on December 12th. But right now It's the first day of my senior year.

I wake up at 5:30am to get to school before my dad wakes up. I take a quick shower, when I get out I throw on a Pierce the Veil t-shirt, neon green skinny jeans, and black converse. I grab my keys to my lime green Dodge Charger Daytona, my mom bought it for me before she died and my 16th birthday was coming up. I grab my school bag and go out to my car and head to school.


Hi guys this is my first official story, please comment but no bad ones please. I'll upload soon:)

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