Straight FACTS

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Okay! So let's get this show on the road! Let's start with just some facts about yours truly.

°I'm Stacy! (I doubt anyone read my stories back in the day that follows me now because my name was plastered EVERYWHERE lol)

°I'm 22 years OLD (yes old. I feel old as hell most of the time.)

°My birthday is May 22nd.

°I start Gemini season. Most people don't like Gemini's, but they love me 💁🏾

°I'm in college right now studying to become a medical assistant.

°I'm the oldest of my mom's 4 kids & the middle child (4th) of my dad's 7 kids.

°I have 4 nieces & a nephew (I'm a nanosecond away from getting pregnant to give my nephew a boy cousin)

°I live in Michigan, ya know, that cool ass state shaped like a mitten ✋🏾

°My musical influences vary. I listen to everything from Tupac to Shawn Mendes.

°I was a Directioner way back when... *war flashbacks*

°My first ever story I published on here is in my drafts because it was awful. Like cringey as hell. It was called "theZIALLtriangle". Dafuq was I thinking 🤦🏾

°Zayn was my favorite from 1D. I still supported him & 1D when he left.

°I went to the 1D concert after Zayn left. I wasn't gonna go but dammit I paid good money...

°I grew up heavily influenced by Christianity. There is a God, but I will not throw it in your face if you believe otherwise.

°This is my 2nd attempt at college. The first time didn't work out...

°I play the violin.

°I am African-American & VERY PROUD 👏🏾

°My BTS ultimate bias is Taehyung (the username I wanted originally was Tae inspired & taken 🤦🏾)

°My ultimate wreckers are Yoongi & Namjoon (Yoongi was my first & Joon just crept up lol), but quiet as kept, they all wreck tf outta me

°My favorite color is pink

°I actually don't like the color purple, but because of Taehyung, I have a newfound respect for purple lol

Okay, that was a lot... I think that's all I have to say about me right now! See you all again! I think the next one is  gonna be how I got into BTS. It's a good one lol. Unless yall want a face reveal? 🤔 lemme know!!Bye bye!!

 Unless yall want a face reveal? 🤔 lemme know!!Bye bye!!

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~S. xx

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