Part 4

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Cherry:thank u girls for helping me DECORATE!

Phoebe:no problem

Kayla:cherry are u and oyster going to prom together?

Cherry:idk he didn't ask me yet

While the girls were hanging up the decorations phoebe and kaylas watches go off that means theirs trouble in metroburg...

Phoebe:hey cherry me and kayla are gonna be right back

Cherry:okay... see ya later

Kayla:let's go!

Phoebe and kayla change into thier superhero suits and headed of to the mission

Phoebe and kayla goes to the metroburg jail

When kayla and phoebe got there thier was a huge hole in the ceiling that means that dark mayham princess pinch-ess escaped!

Kayla and phoebe tried to go after them but they lost them...

So phoebe and kayla went back to their homes and went to bed.
It was the day of prom everyone was asked except for kayla and phoebe..

Kayla:go henry go ask phoebe to prom!

Henry:ok ok jeeze dont push!

-kayla uses her telekinesis to pull phoebe and henry to face each other*

Henry: h-hi..phoebe


Henry:phoebe should u go to prom with me?

Phoebe:yes yes yes! *hugs henry*


Max taps kaylas shoulder...

Max:hey kayla uhm... whould u like to go to prom with me? *gives kayla a rose*

Kayla: of course!*hugs max*

Phoebe:awwww....kayla come on let's go dress shopping!!!

Kayla:ok ok slown down

Kayla and phoebe go dress shopping
                     (Skip to Dance)
Kayla has a baby blue dress on with a pearl neclace

Phoebe has a purple dress with a heart necklace

Kayla:hey max!

Max:hi kayla wow u look amazing!

Kayla:thanks u dont look to bad yourself...

Kayla gets a call from her mom

Kayla:hey max do u mind if I take this it's my mom

Max:oh not a all :)

Kayla:Tnx ur the best!

Kayla steps outside

Kayla: hello? Mom? Hello? Hello?

And all of a sudden every thing went black...

(At prom)

Max:hey guys have u seen kayla around I cant find her...


Henry:nope didn't see her

Max:ok I'll look around again

Kayla wakes up in a dark room and all of a sudden a door opened and it's Dark mayham!

Dark mayham: ah look who awakened!

Kayla:what do u want dark mayham?!

Dark mayham:I want u to take my powers and become evil!

Kayla:I whould NEVER Turn EVIL!!!

Princess pinch-ess came in the dark room with the orb and took dark mayhams powers and put his powers into kayla!


Kayla:what have u done to ME!!!!!

Kaylas eyes turn bright red then back to normal and then a strike red went down a piece of her hair

Darkmayham:kayla I want u to go to the thundermans house take all thier and also ur parents and ur brothers powers too okay

Darkmayham:yes darkmayham I'll do what ever u say *smirks*

Darkmayham:here's the orb u know what to do!


Kayla goes to the thundermans house

Kayla: *knocks on the door*

Kayla:hey nora do u mind if I come in?

Nora:uh sure

Kayla:were a yr family?

Nora:thier in the kitchen MOM DAD KAYLAS HERE

Barb:oh hey kayla

Hank:hey kayla

Kayla:guys I'm sorry I have to do this *gets the orb and takes the thundermans powers away*

Kaylas eyes turn green


Hank:kayla what happend to u

Kayla:what happend to u!

Kayla runs out of the thundermans house and goes to the prom

______________________________________stay tuned till next Time part 5 is coming soon! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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