Chapter 7

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"Now up to bat, number 17, Zac!"
Zac stepped up to the plate, and Tatum began her windup. She pitched the ball, and Zac swung and missed. Strike one. Zac took the next pitch, which was a ball. Gabbie got Tatum's attention before she began her next pitch. She mouthed "high" to her, and Tatum nodded her head. Gabbie remembered that he liked hitting the low pitches. She threw a high pitch and Zac swung and missed. The next pitch was a little lower than the last one, and he ended up flying out to Anna at shortstop. Next up to bat was Daniel, and he hit a single to right center. Tyler was batting third.
"Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you!" Tyler called out to Tatum.
"No need," she scowled. She threw the pitch as hard as she could and he hit a line drive in between shortstop and third base. Gabbie dove for the ball and caught it, then threw the ball to first since Daniel was halfway to second. She made a double play!
She looked at Tyler, who gave her an angry look. "See, I told you! Girls can play, too!"
The team ran back into the dugout, giving high fives to each other and saying "good job!" to everyone.
"Alright, Sydnie's leading off, Anna's on deck, and Tatum is in the hole. Let's get some runs!" Coach exclaimed. Gabbie decided to see if Jonah was pitching any good, and sure enough, he was doing great.
"Dang, he's not bad," Gabbie whispered to Tatum.
"I know! I'm a great pitching coach," she said. Gabbie laughed.
Sydnie hit a double to start off the inning. Anna grounded out, and Tatum hit a single. Then it was Gabbie's turn to bat. She looked over to her coach, and she didn't give her a sign, so she stepped into the plate. Then she remembered that Sydnie was on third. She raised her hand to call time, and she stepped out of the box. Her coach came up to her.
"What's wrong?" Coach questioned.
"Can I bunt?" Gabbie asked. "We need to play small ball. They don't bunt a lot in baseball. It'll take 'em by surprise."
"Good idea. Knock her in, Gab!" Coach exclaimed. Gabbie stepped back in the box and got in her stance. Jonah started his windup, and when he was about to release the ball, Gabbie squared to bunt.
"Bunt!" Jack yelled as Gabbie bunted the ball down the first base line. She ran to first base and Sydnie ran home. They were both safe! Tatum made it to third base. The softball team was in the lead!

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