The Beacon

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"Not only did you happily let She-Ra and the princess known as Glimmer escape but I learned that you've known Adora was She-Ra since the battle at Thaymor." Lord Hordak's voice echoed from the shadows as Shadow Weaver stared Catra down.

"I didn't-"

"Don't lie to us, cadet." Shadow Weaver spat. "This isn't the first time you've broken the rules but it has got to be the worst. We have cameras showing you handing the Sword of She-Ra to Adora and the princess, allowing them to escape." She announced and Catra lowered her gaze.

Hordak stepped out of the darkness. "Your loyalty to the Horde is questionable and you are hereby banished from the Fright Zone."

"What?!" Catra exclaimed, taken aback as she snapped her head up only to be met with King Hordak's sharp glare. She took a step back.


"I've had enough of your excuses, Catra!" Shadow Weaver harshly grabbed Catra's arm and began dragging her to the exit.

"It's a misunderstanding! Let me go!" She struggled until she was thrown outside, the doors slamming shut behind her.

"Wait!" Catra banged once on the door before sighing in defeat. Her rage clear on her face, she punched the wall and began to walk in the direction of the Whispering Woods.



After hearing the news about Catra's banishment, Scorpia was devastated. She had become her closest friend. She was sure that Catra had had a perfectly good reason to give those girls the sword. Completely expelling a person was too harsh a punishment.

Lost in her thoughts, Scorpia hadn't noticed the massive robot trailing her as she paced the halls of the Fright Zone. She turned around with the intent of returning to her sleeping quarters to calm her mind and jumped at the sight of the thing.

"What the... Are you following me?" She asked, not expecting a reply when a voice said, "No?"

Scorpia immediately jumped into a fighting stance. "Who's there?"

A person with long purple hair that seemed... alive? tied into pigtails rolled out of a vent. "Uh, hi!" She waved.

It was a princess. The one known as Entrapta to be specific. Scorpia quickly put her into her custody. As she came in to interrogate her, Scorpia realized that the cuffs containing the princess weren't very effective as she easily freed herself while Scorpia watched. She sighed. "Let the interrogation begin."



"That's it! I can't stay here and be useless! Bow is right; I don't know how to use my powers!"

"I didn't say that!.. Or, not that, exactly." Bow responded to Adora's exclamation.

She had spent an extensive amount of time attempting to heal Glimmer of her glitch she had acquired after being held captive by the Horde.

"The Horde has a lot of things wrong- okay, pretty much, everything, but one thing they were right about is training, and how can I train if I don't know anything about She-Ra?" Adora explained. "I'm going to go somewhere where I can learn," she put her hands on Glimmer's shoulders, addressing her. "Then, I'm gonna fix you, Glimmer."

Glimmer's eyes lit up and she asked Adora how she planned on doing so. All Glimmer wanted at that moment was to get out of having dinner with her mom, the queen, so that she wouldn't find out what her stay at the Fright Zone had done to her.

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