-Chapter Ten- "Something Important"

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It was the next day already. 24 hours flew by like a second. Peridot sighed audibly as she watched the clock with anticipation.
"Come on... only twenty more minutes until 3rd hour is over."
She blushed and looked down at her lap. "Only twenty more minutes until I can see Lapis again..." She smiled at the thought of the bluenette.
Her History teacher, Ms. Opal, stood at the front of the class lecturing about America's influence on World War II, among other countries that were part of the Allied Powers.
"I already know all of this." Peridot scoffed to herself.
Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her back pocket. The blonde quietly took out her phone and checked her messages.
"Lapis- Hey Peri! Wanna leave for lunch again?"
Peridot almost choked. Lapis wanted to leave school AGAIN for lunch?! Just the two of them?! She smiled wide and typed a quick reply.
"Peridot- Sure."
Almost immediately, Lapis replied.
"Lapis- Good... because I need to talk to you about something."
Peridots heart skipped a beat. "Oh my stars... what does she need to talk to me about?" She felt her entire body heat up as her fingers rapidly texted a reply.
"Peridot- What do you need to talk to me about?"
She tapped her fingers on her desk anxiously, anticipating a reply from her crush.
"Does she like me too? Oh my stars..."
The buzz of her phone pulled her from her thoughts.
"Lapis- Just know that it's something important. I'll explain in person. See you soon~"
Peridot blushed profusely. She could just imagine the sweet sound of the bluenettes voice ringing in her ears like music. She closed her eyes and sighed happily, a small content smile taking over her lips. She could see Lapis in her mind, in the darkness when she closed her eyes. She had her memorized like she was studying her for a test... Those luscious blue waves and curls that swam over her head and face like the ocean. Her deep crystal blue eyes captivated her, and took all of her attention away from the rest of the world. It's like when she looked into Lapis's eyes, she dived into them. Delving deep into the two pools of blue, and not being able to swim back up. Drowning in her blue gaze, and leaving her completely breathless. Her dainty little button nose that scrunched up when she laughed, her snort... all perfect. And god, nothing could ever compare to the beauty that is Lapis's mouth. Soft, plump, glossy pink lips punctuated with adorable little dimples on each side. Gorgeous pearly white teeth would flash through her lips when she laughed. Just thinking about kissing those lips almost gave Peridot a heart attack. She had fantasized about it many times before... and she knew that the real deal must be so much better. Her thoughts and visual escapades would never measure up to actually kissing Lapis.
Ever since their last trip to the Big Donut, when it seemed like they actually almost did kiss... kissing her was all the little blonde nerd could think about. And it was torturous...
The sight of Lapis was beyond anything Peri had ever seen in her life. She never really saw the world as anything but a cesspool of chaos and suffrage... dull and suffocating... ugly. But Lapis... is like a pair of rose-tinted sunglasses. She makes everything seem brighter, and better. She puts the beauty in everything. She makes the world a better place somehow. How can one person, one girl, change Peridots opinion of the world just by being so... beautiful? So breathtaking, kind, wonderful, and loving? How did the world give birth to the beauty and grace that is Lapis Lazuli?
Her beautiful face is permanently tattooed in Peridots subconscious. And she, of course, found it nothing other than enchanting... mesmerizing.
Whenever she saw Lapis, she fell for her even more. Even harder. Even deeper.
And the nerd relished in the feeling of falling if it meant she was falling for Lazuli... because it felt like she was flying. Soaring, rather than plummeting. She thought about the song "Free Falling", and smiled at the irony.
The sound of the lunch bell was the only thing that pulled her from her trance. Peridot's eyes shot open as she jumped awake. "Wh-wha?"
The class rushed through the door. How long was she out of it?
Peridot collected her things and left the classroom, nervously heading in the direction of student parking. She walked with her head down, and although it would seem that she would bump into people, she expertly pivoted and dodged the hungry teens that seemed to be rampaging chaotically through the halls and swarming in all directions. She groaned in frustration and tried to walk faster, to no avail. She was being swallowed by the blob of people.
"This is the end... they're going to wipe my precious grin off the face of this planet..." she dramatically thought to herself in dismay.
Then, out of nowhere, a familiar, soft, warm hand grabbed onto her wrist and led her. Peridot ripped her head up from the ground and focused her gaze on a curly-blue head in front of her. The crowd of teens parted for the bluenette like the red sea. Some people glared holes into Peridot, obviously angry and confused seeing Lapis leaving with her. Seeing her holding her hand with their fingers entwined.
Peridot had a mini panic attack.
"Oh my stars. Oh my fucking stars. Lapis is holding my fucking hand and people are watching."
She blushed and bashfully looked down to avoid the menacing and disapproving eyes watching her and Lapis pass by. Finally, they stumbled out of the door that led to the student parking lot. Lapis gasped. "God! I thought we would never make it out of there alive! Phew!" She wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead and looked at Peridot, who was still blushing and avoiding looking up at Lapis. Lapis leant down to meet the blondes gaze, and caught her emerald eyes with her crystal-blue ones. "Hey, Peri? You ok?"
Peridot blinked. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was um..."
Lapis raised one eyebrow and smirked.
She grabbed Peridots hand and led her to her Green Jeep. "Come on, you awkward little shit. Let's go to the Big Donut." Peridot smiled goofily and let herself be dragged by Lapis a little. She felt as if her feet weren't even touching the ground. She was definitely floating.
When they arrived to the Big Donut, as usual, there was no one there. Lapis licked her lips at the thought of a nice, gooey, sweet jelly donut. She closed her eyes and shuddered with pure happiness as the sugary smells wafted passed her nostrils. She sniffed in the smells and sighed audibly. Peridot chuckled.
"Jesus, Lapis. You really like donuts. Second day in a row."
Lapis looked over to Peridot with excitement. "Can we please just make this a thing? Every day during lunch?" She paused and softened her voice. "Just you and me?" Her heart fluttered as she watched Peridot blush lightly. "Y-yeah, of course... if t-that's what you want."
Lapis smiles cheerfully at her and leads the way to the counter to order. Of course, the nice blonde girl was still working the register. Sadie smiles at the two of them. "I'm glad you both decided to come back! What can I get for ya?"
Peridot looked at the ground and stammered. Lapis felt concerned. The nerd seemed distracted. Caught up in her mind.
The drive from school was completely silent all except for the soft music playing on the radio. Lapis snuck glances over at Peridot, watching her driving, and noticed her discomfort. She was gripping the wheel so hard that her knuckles were turning white. She was leant forward a little and watched the road with her eyebrows furrowed, stern, like she was trying with all of her strength to stay focused on driving, and to ignore her thoughts. Almost like she was having a heated staring-contest with the cars in front of her.
Lapis so desperately wanted to know what was going on behind those emerald green eyes... to ask what was bothering her so much. But, she knew that she shouldn't prod Peridot for that sort of information. Peridot still didn't trust Lapis that much... and she didn't blame her either. Everyone has always beat up on her at school. They have said mean and awful things. And for what reason, Lapis could not figure out. Peridot is the most amazing, talented, and adorable person ever.
Lapis decided that if Peridot needs to tell Lapis something, or vent, then she will at least try to let her know that she can talk to her about anything whenever she needs to. Because that's what friends do. Right? Lapis blushed. "Friends?"
Sadie coughed. "Um, hello? Everything ok?" Lapis tore her eyes from Peridot and looked at Sadie with her eyes bugged out. "Geez, I didn't realize I was staring at Peri for so long..."
"Oh! Um, sorry. We will have one jelly donut, one Boston cream, one coffee and one mocha frappe."
Sadie expertly tapped the register. "Alrighty! That'll be $6.67." Lapis looked over at Peridot, who was still locked away in her mind. She groaned and reached into the blondes back pocket to pluck out her wallet, making her jump. "W-wha?! L-Lapis!" She yelped and stuttered.
Lapis giggle-snorted and handed the cash to Sadie, who was holding back a giggle. Maybe it was a bit of a bold move to get so close to basically grabbing Peridots butt, but Lapis enjoyed Peridots adorable reaction regardless. It was oddly addictive. She slid the wallet back into Peridots back pocket, leaving her frozen. It was a bit bold, and maybe even a little weird, but Lapis couldn't stop the huge smile that took over her face.
"Oh geez. I hope I didn't break her."
Sadie made the coffees quickly, put the donuts into a bag and onto a tray. "There ya go, ladies! Have a nice day."
Lapis smiled at Sadie. "Thank you."
She giggled. "Come on, ya dork. Let's go sit down." She grabbed the tray with one hand and Peridots wrist with the other, leading them to a table. Once they sat down across from each other, Lapis decided to ease into the conversation. "Peridot. I have a few things I need to talk to you about."
The blonde looked up and gave Lapis her full attention for the first time today. It was as if this is exactly what she was waiting for, as if this is what was stressing her out. "How cute... awe... I made her overthink. Now I feel bad..."
"W-what is it?" Peridot choked.
Lapis smiles at her warmly, trying to reassure her as much as she can with her eyes. "First off, Peri... I've noticed that you're a little... distant today. I just need to let you know that if you need to talk, or vent... or if you just need someone to be there for you, I'll be there. It doesn't matter what's going on, I'll be there for you. Ok?"
Peridot looked away from the bluenette. "Okay..." she said softly.
She looked back into Lapis's eyes and blushed. "Thank you..."
The taller of the two felt her heart skip a beat. "God, those green eyes. Those freckles..."
Lapis felt the whole world stop spinning. In the moments that Peridots eyes meet hers, nothing else mattered. There's a sort of peace and tranquility when it comes to looking at her. All of Lapis's worries seemed to melt away in that moment. She basked in the warmth of Peridots presence for several seconds before clearing her throat.
"So... there's something important that I need to talk to you about..."
She watched as Peridots calming eyes turned into eyes filled with fear. It was almost painful to see Peridots gaze rip away from Lapis's own. She wanted to keep looking into those deep, evergreen forest discs. She wanted to wander off into them and get lost...
The warmth of the moment was gone in an instant, and she could feel the smaller of the two closing herself up, and crawling back into her shell.
Lapis frowned. It's so sad that Peridot is treated the way she is. She is the sweetest person she has ever met, maybe even in her entire life, and yet everyone pushes her around and makes her feel like garbage. It's a shame that the world is so cruel. So ugly. But how could such a hideous world forge the sweetness and cuteness that is Peridot? The bluenette sighed. "Peridot is always on guard... always in her shell... I hope she lets me in someday..."
The taller of the two reached across the table to grab Peridots hand.
"Until then... I will protect her."
She could feel her trembling slightly. Her cold, nimble little hand seemed to fit perfectly within her own. She held her pale hand delicately, as if it was so fragile that she might break it with any harsh gestures or movements.
"Hey, it's ok..." Lapis cooed with reassurance. She spoke soft, almost like a whisper, but loud enough. "It's alright, Peri."
Almost immediately she could feel Peridots stiff hand loosen up and relax within her grasp. Lapis smiled.
"Stars, SHES SO CUTE!" She thought. "Shit, Lazuli. Keep it together man. Get to the point. Focus."
"I just need a favor... You're really smart. Especially with maths and whatnot... I have a D in my Pre-Calculus class, and my mom forced me to sign up for tutoring. I looked into it a little bit, and I found out that you tutor for Ms. Agate..."
Peridot looked relieved for some odd reason. Lapis gave Peridot an apologetic look.
"I must have made her worried when I texted her the way I did and made her wait."
"I don't want to get stuck with some random tutor. I would rather be taught by someone I know and trust. Would you please tutor me? We could... spend more time together. You could come over, I could go to your house. It would be fun."
Peridot blushed a deep crimson color. She looked like she thought about it for a second, and then cleared her throat before speaking in a small, frail voice.
"I would love to tutor you, Lapis. It'll be fun. That's three of my favorite things; math, teaching, and..."
Lapis literally felt her heart stop. The butterflies in her stomach erupted like a volcano. She felt like she was gonna puke.
She managed to speak, even though she was nearly speechless.
"...and w-what?"
She froze.
"Me?" Lapis thought to herself.
She watched the blondes lips as she waited for her response.
Peridot averted her eyes and blushed impossibly redder. In a hushed tone, she spoke; "...and spending time with you."
As if Lapis already couldn't breathe, she was now completely breathless. She watched Peridots face and waited for her emerald eyes to meet her own again. Within her mind, she begged for the girl before her to look at her. Several moments passed before her thirst to look into those eyes again was quenched. And when she finally looked back at Lapis... when her green eyes met blue eyes once again...
Everything felt perfect. She felt complete.
Nothing had ever really felt right in Lapis's life, but now? In this moment? Staring into the eyes of this shy, broken girl? Everything was happening the way that it was always meant to be. Like a blooming rose, she could feel that something beautiful was beginning. A new chapter in her life. She could feel it with every fabric of her being that she was destined for this. That she was finally where she was meant to be—
And in that moment, when the two of them got lost in each others eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time, Lapis knew for sure that what she is feeling is true; she is head over heels for this girl; Peridot. There's no more denying it. There's no more running. There's no going back. Only forward.
And even though she was lost in those emerald irises... she felt like she was finally found. When she finally caught her breath, her heart thudded rapidly like drums within her chest. Her heart pounded so loud that she feared Peri would hear it. It beat so hard that it hurt.
"I can't tell her... not yet. Not now."
Lapis squeezed Peridots hand softly and smiled.
"Peri... thank you. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. You're wonderful."
Peridot smiled goofily and returned a gentle hand-squeeze, before releasing Lapis's hand to reach for her coffee and donut.
"Lapis, we better hurry up and eat. We gotta head back to school soon."
She paused.
She immediately shoved almost half of her donut into her mouth, her cheeks full. Chocolate icing was all over and around her mouth. She resembled a chipmunk, or a little kid. Innocence at its finest.
She scowled and tried to ignore Lapis, who was watching her every move and smiling wide.
Lapis raised an eyebrow at the bumbling Nerd and giggle-snorted at her adorable awkwardness.
In peaceful silence, occasionally watching each other, they contentedly ate their donuts and sipped on their coffee before returning back to their school together.
I don't even have words. They're just fucking gay as hell. Why won't they just kiss already...

Soon, my children. Soon.

Okay also, what the fuck. I have been avoiding watching this new show on Netflix called "She-ra and the Princesses of Power" because I KNEW I was gonna get deep into some new lesbian ship. I tried so hard to avoid it... I can't even stress that enough. Like seriously guys... I would even unfollow people who started posting about it and about this ship called "Catradora"... And guess what?

 And guess what?

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Ladies and gentlemen

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Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Other people. Everyone. My beloved audience...
I am now Catradora (Catra x Adora) trash. I am going to Hell.

That will be all.
*claps twice*

 *claps twice*

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