03. The Love that Lasted for a Day (henry lau)

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Super Junior One-shots

3rd Installment

The Love that Lasted for a Day (Henry Lau)

I have never imagine that this kind of love ever existed.

Being in that position was something I never expected.

It happened around 2007, around the time where Kyuhyun hyung was in the hospital.

I was only 18 that time when I met the girl who captured my heart in just a single glance.

"What are you doing here? Its really getting late" A girl sat beside me.

Unlike me, she was wearing hospital clothes.

It looks like she escaped from the hospital authorities.

"I should be saying the same to you" I simply answered,

She smiled at me.

"You don't seem sick at all. Why are you in a hospital?" She asked taking a sip on her coffee.

"Im not sick. I'm here to look after Kyuhyun hyung" I said simply

"You want?" She said offering me her drink.

"No thanks."

"You are Korean right?" She asked

"Actually no. I am Chinese"

"Ohhhhh. That must be why. Are you part of that group called Super... Something?" She asked

I laughed at her. "Yeah. It's called super junior."

"AWWW That's it. I remembered now! My roommates in the hospital always watch them"

"That's great. Ummm why are you here in the hospital?"

"Im like any other patient here. I am sick, I had leukemia. I can die anytime" She said simply as if her sickness was nothing

"Why are you here outside?" I asked her curiously.

"Because it is really boring inside the hospital. All I do all day was to lay down, sit, eat, pee and the cycle repeats itself. Im almost getting tired of the smell and the faces of the nurses there" She said laughing

Her smile is really cute.

Her eyes twinkles every time light passes.

Her hair smells like strawberries.

I couldn't have asked for anyone better.

"How long have you been staying there anyway?" I asked.

We reached a local seven eleven and sat.

"You guess" There goes that smile again

"2 months?"


"5 months?"


"I give up. How long?"

"Ive been staying there for more than a year and a half. I practically lived there. My parents left me. They all died last year during the accident. I had an attack in our school. My family rushed to see me but unfortunately they met an accident. No one survive. Its nothing for me though"

"Im sorry to hear that"

"Don't be. Its not your fault"

We walked to a playground and stopped there.

"I will miss going to this kind of places"

"You won't die yet"

"Everybody will eventually die."

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