Chapter 1 - Amnesia + Chris walker

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What happened? I don't know I just woke to finding myself in a cell with my typical nurse uniform on, which is a white dress like outfit that fits my body perfectly. I woke to hearing emergency sirens, that could mean one thing... A breech. I take a huge sigh, I have no recollection of my memory, my mind is scattered like broken fragments waiting to be repaired and put back together. I try think back, last thing I remember is that I was with that dick Jeremy Blair and.. That's it, eh maybe it'll come back to me. I get up off the bed and walk out of the cell door that was open for some unknown reason. I decide to travel down the corridor to see where it takes me.

Time skip ~ cause I'm lazy
The corridor took me to a dead end... Greaaaat -_- I looked but there was a small office with something on the desk. I pick up a piece of paper that, has MY name on it!

Patients name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: (Y/A)
Gender: female
Works as a nurse

Bitch what? Why am I put down as a patient? This is weird, I dart out of the office and suddenly hear screams and banging, I look and see someone charging down the hall towards me. My reflexes kick in and I let out I piercing screech. It's a variant!! Dead end I'm trapped, he grabs me and lifts me up, damn I'm not ready to die like this. I look into his eyes and something inside me clicks...
"I know you...", I say slowly wide eyed.
He looks at me cautiously until he slowly puts me down.
"(Y/N)", he whispers.
"Your..Chris...Chris Walker!!, I remember", I say in disbelief.
"Your one of my patients that come for therapy", I was so relieved.

Chris's pov~
I can't believe it....(Y/N) she was the only one I loved and trusted... There was something about her that made my heart ache. She was perfect, too perfect I want her to be all mine.

(Y/N) pov~
I gave a big smile to Chris, I adored him, despite him being intimidating and well ya know a mutant. Heyyyy maybe he can help me find my way to the exit I swear it's around here.
"Do you think you could take me to the exit?", I ask hoping he don't get mad.
"Or even the....Male ward? I say trying to remember the name.
He looks at me then closes his eyes while pointing his finger to his head, it's like he is thinking... Suddenly he opens his eyes and nods.
"I know where...come", he mutters with a grunt.
He looks at me then frowns.
"What is It- before I can finish he scoops me up in comfortable position and runs incredibly fast to our destination.

Time skip ~ lazy again ^_^
I had dozed off into Chris's arms and woke to him shaking me. I get out his arms, he looks and strokes my hair.
"Pretty...bird", he whispers
"What was that?", I say
He simply strokes my collarbone and says "come back soon"
I walk off and crawl through a vent to get through to the male ward while waving bye to Walker.

Chris pov~
I turn around to go about my business until I stop in my tracks...wait (Y/N) is going to the male ward... I let out a loud grunt. There's only one sicko who hangs around there and if she finds him. He will take (Y/N) away from me... I can't let that happen, I gotta find another way round and get to her!

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