Chapter 1

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          "Jeez Mason, how long do you think you can keep this up for?" Tony asked, his voice echoing through his helmet as he trotted over, his red and silver armor glistening in the sweet sunlight, clanking against each other.

        "As long as it takes Tony.. As long as it takes. " Mason told him. He yanked an old military backpack over his right shoulder. The left strap was already torn off, but he was still able to use the right strap to carry the food that was bungled up inside. The surface of the backpack was peeling away but it was still sufficient enough to use. "Besides, you know why I'm doing this."

      "Yes, for our mom but-"

      "But nothing Tony!" Mason yelled at him, his voice cracking, "My mom... Our mom.. is on the brink of death and while you sit there in your so-called "luxury" I've had to take care of her! I have to be the man now Tony. Do you know what it's like? Watching someone you love not be able to move anymore. Being frozen where they stand. Coughing up blood every night, waking up motionless, not being able to call out to anyone. She's practically already dead Tony! This.. this could be my chance to save her." He pushed Tony away as he surged forward onto the dusty plains, heading toward home.

    Tony rushed ahead, putting a hand on his younger brother's left shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. " Do you think I wanted this to happen. That I wanted to be yanked away from my family like a stray dog. To be forced into working for the same people that killed our father. To-"

     Mason shrugged Tony's hand off his shoulder as he held onto the backpack, careful not to drop it. "You had a chance to come back and you didn't.." Mason pushed against Tony as he continued his path towards home, looking at him. "You chose to abandon us. You do your business and I do mine. You chose your side.. Now I'm choosing mine." 

    Mason had once looked up to his brother up until the moment their father died. He watched from the bottom of the floorboards as his brother was taken from him. He watched as his mother reached out for him as the door closed, sobbing into her hands. At that moment he knew everything would change. While on the streets one day, he heard rumors that the people that were taken could go back to their homes. Some people left and went back to their families and some stayed back. Among those people were Tony.  Ever since then, he's resented his brother for deciding to stay and leaving them behind.

    He hadn't noticed a strange figure walk towards him as he was lost in his train of thought. They bumped against each other. Mason fell onto the ground, the contents of leftover food and water spilling out onto the ground.

  "Seriously, "He groaned out loud. He turned around to see where the man had gone but by the time he turned, the man was nowhere to be seen. Furious, he kicked the backpack, "That was our dinner!" He balled his fists thinking to punch something, anything until he heard a noise behind him. "Mason!"

    Mason knew that voice. The same voice that talked to him earlier. The same voice he never wanted to hear ever again. Mason spun around to see his brother standing in front of several other guards. The townspeople ran inside and watched from their homes as they formed a circle around Mason, blocking his exit. He faced his brother, eyeing him carefully, "What do you want Tony, I already told y-"

     "Zip your mouth peasant!" Tony howled, "You are under arrest for treason and embezzlement.  Resistance is futile. So unless you wanna die, I suggest you come with us."

    Mason looked at Tony, "Are you serious.. are you SERIOUS! Your gonna do this. You're actually going to put your own brother in jail and let your own mother die? Are you INSANE! What the hell is wrong with you!" 

   "I am doing what I have to as the sergeant of this army! I do what I have to do to keep the peace. Either come with us or run. Your choice." Tony told him.

  "I'm not doing this with you Tony. Your crazy, delusion, self righteous-" 

 "Take him dead or alive boys!" Tony barked his orders and the circle of guards surrounding Mason swarmed him.

  Mason had just enough time to grab his backpack as the swarm of guards burst towards him. Being small had it's advantages. As one guard tried to dive for him, Mason hopped over and bolted, sliding under the legs of two others. As another guard came at him, he used his backpack to his advantage. Mason swung the backpack around the guards neck and pulled, flipping the guard over as he jumped over. He looked behind him and saw more coming after him, turning the corner, cutting through an alley.

   Shoutings could be heard behind him. Alarm sirens rang in the distance. Mason crawled on the fence and hopped over trying to catch his breath. He looked back and realized a dozen guards still behind him, "Are you serious.. he's really doing this." Mason continued running, passing by the merchant shop where his best friend worked and lived. He passed by an old set of stairs and cut through them, striding upward to the roofs of the buildings.

   Sirens went off all around like bells during Christmas time. Mason reached the top of the stairs and found himself up on the roofs of the building. He watched as dozens upon dozens of guards swarmed down the town streets looking for him. Mason walked across the roofs, passing by each house. He sat down and stared at the horizon. He could see swans sitting in their little pond, deers ran across the plush green grass hopping and skipping, looking so happy as the wind blew the leaves off the trees. Mason watched as the sun began to set, letting of an array of red and orange colors flash across the night sky. His eyes went cross-eyed as the wind carried a leaf, doing a loop-da-loop as it landed on his nose.

 He wrinkled his nose, trying to get the leaf off. He stared back into the sky, the red and orange light illuminating his face before realizing what he forgot as his eyes went wide. "Mother! How could I forget. They might take her." He quickly stood up and swirled around but before he could do anything else, there was one other obstacle in his way. The tip of the sword so close, it could poke his eyes out and make him blind forever. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could clearly see who was behind the sword.

    "Would you look at the time," Tony said, " How's mother?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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