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♚ Cher's P.OV. ♚

"You're one dead ass mother fucker." I said as I stomped my heel onto Ernesto's chest as I Pointed my gun dead at his head. "N-No p-please.... I-I promise I'll have the money! I just need a f-few more days...." Aww he's SOO cute when he begs. "Too late honey. I gave you a couple more days the last time and YOU STILL DONT GOT MY CASH!" I yelled getting annoying and losing my patience fast. "I-I'm sorry... pleasee!!!" He cried as I flipped the switch and aimed it at the middle of his forehead. "Too late." With that... BANG! I shot Ernesto in the middle of his head, killing him instantly. All you heard was the popping echo in the distance and the sound of crickets. "You did it Cher. Now we ain't gotta worry about Ernesto no more." Christina said as I smirked and got off of him. I kicked his body to the side and turn it face down. "Good. You ladies know I don't wait on my Money. I shouldn't have even let him wait in the first place." I said looking back at when I actually let him get more days for the money. "C'mon baby, you know no one uses that time for money. They use it as another excuse." I said smiling and twirling my gun skillfully and walking over to his body, being careful with his hands. I took his hand and helped him grasp onto the gun. I had to make it Look like an accident, like he killed himself. "Okay, check to make sure you didn't drop any jewelry, or leave any gloves or your shit." The girls looked around their area and checked themselves and finally looked at me and nodded. I Smiled, "Okay, lets head home. We've had a long night ladies." "Yea let's go I gotta go to bed, I'm tired as fuck. Hahahaha." they all laughed as we got in our black SUV and drove off.

- At the House -

We all got into the house safe and sound. We lived a big house, not a mansion but not a tiny house either. It had three stories. the first floor was the usual, a kitchen, a living room, guest room. Not like we have guests. the second floor was my room and the other girls rooms, and the third floor is where most of our plans happen. We plan attacks and ambushes on that floor. We pack our guns, grenades, knives, and other 'dark' weapons up there as well. We call it our 'Dark Floor'. Only I have the key up there so no one can go up there for no reason. We walked in and we all went different ways. "Anyone want food?" Ashley yelled as all the girls cheered and headed over to her. "WOA WOA WOA! We have ambushes to plan guys, we can't just chill and act like everything's okay.." They all sucked their teeth. "C'mon Cher, we had a long night and we killed Ernesto. it's all good now." I looked at them like they were insane. "Uhmm. not really. Guys you realize that

His family has a gang right? So if the 'propped' look doesn't work on them to make them look like he killed himself than they'll be after us." "Cher, they weren't they. They won't know it was us and he can't talk about it because he's dead. Just chill and have a strawberry." Maria said as she waved a strawberry in my face. I smirked and snatched it from her and took a bite while walking away. "Ima go to bed. Don't go to sleep to late guys!!" I yelled climbing the stairs as Daniela yelled back. "NO PROMISES!" I smirked to myself and shook my head. I'm only hard on the girls when it comes to business because.... It's business.. I ran the Bloods. and I couldn't let us pummel into the ground. I had five girls, including me, in my gang. Me, Cher Johnson, I was practically born into this because my of my mom. She was leader until she died from an ambushed shootout from the those pricks the Crips. I always swore revenge on them for that, and I'll get it. I was pretty much the leader. I'm the bitch who calls all the shots. Next was Bree Hernando. I found her - well, she found me because I shot someone and she saw and I couldn't let her walk away so she had no choice to join or not. but she loves me. She is the 'researcher' of the gang. She helps with all of our shipments and deliveries. Something like what happened tonight with Ernesto, she was in charge of, until he made it get out of hand. she always succeeds. Maria Sanchez was on the side of a bar selling drugs, she was a dealer, so that's was she is in our group, she makes the deals and can tell when someone's Telling the truth or fucking with us. Ashley Mayorga was alongside with me. when we need to do a shootout, she's a gun specialist. We have a gun for pretty much every shootout we have. we use the same one sometimes, but she's the specialist. She helps us on how to work the gun and shoot, etc. And finally, we have Anna Costello. She always helps with spying. whenever we need someone to spy on a person or gang, the Crips specifically, we usually have her set up cameras around their site and we can see whatever they do, whenever they do it and who they do it with. It was a challenging task, but we did it and now we have cameras up everywhere over their. We all have to try and manage ourselves as Time goes on. We've been through shit that's almost torn us apart, but never has or will. And I gotta make sure that it stays that way.. I was now up in my room and I quickly for in and out of the shower, put my hair up into a pony tail, put my pajamas on and jumped into bed. "UGHHH.. Long ass say as usual." I groaned as I turned off my lamp, charged my iPhone next to me and closed my eyed. no there's school tomorrow.....

♛Jason's P.O.V.♛

I was hanging around in my room waiting for my body to let me go to sleep. I hated how I took forever to sleep. I was wide awake and I couldn't sleep, so I got up and went downstairs. I saw Angel and Nick hanging around the island in our kitchen with beer. "Aww what are you two on a midnight date?" I said smirking as I opened the fridge and they sucked their teeth. "Really man." "Bruh.. You're fucked up." Angel said as I laughed and cracked open a beer. "Hey man I'm just fucking with you. So why y'all up so late anyway." I asked as they took a sip of their beer and Nick answered. "Just talking about stuff I guess man. Can't sleep." I nodded. "Yea me to man, I feel like a fucking insomniac." Just as Angel was about to speak, there was a furious knock at the door. It startled us a bit as we gasped and got up slowly as I pulled my gun out of my pants. "What the fuck man! You keep a gun in your sweats!" "For shit like this, now shut the hell up!" I whispered as the knocking got louder and harder. Nick laid his hand on the knob and I nodded as he opened it fast and I pointed my gun at the door.....

"WOA WOA ITS ME ITS ME!!" Diego said as we all let out a breath of relief and let him in. "What the fuck man why you knocking like your fucking dying." He walked straight to the island in the kitchen with his phone. "Look at this." he said as we all looked at each other weirdly and confused and just stared down at the phone. All you heard was a big popping sound. "What the fuck was that?" Angel asked as Diego answered, "A gunshot. Now look a this. You remember Ernesto right? Our shipment that was supposed to be here about four days ago?" We all nodded and he licked his lips. "Well, I drove by where the gunshots were-" "ARE YOU NUTS!" "Shut the fuck up man! Damn.. I drove by the gunshots and found this.." He showed us another video of Ernesto lying face down dead on the floor with a blood puddle around him. "Shit.." "Fuck no.." we all whispered as we looked at each other. "What the fuck, who did that!" Diego shrugged. "Don't know exactly. but my bet was on The Bloods." I furrowed my brows. "What the fuck the Bloods gotta do with shit." I asked as he shut if phone off and put it in his back pocket. "You remember when Ernesto said that he had another shipment to deal with so he would get ours as soon as he could?" We nodded and he continued, "What if the shipment was for the Bloods?" I still looked confused as hell. "Wait man he could be right, remember the last time we went by them a week ago they were all talking about some shipment they placed.... Bruh, the Bloods killed Ernesto.." I was trying to comprehend all this. we needed that shipment

Terribly! He had money to give to us for Angel to get our new guns and everything. This fucking blows! "SHIT!!!" I said running my fingers through my hair pulling at the ends. "It's alright okay we'll figure something out-" "NO DIEGO THIS ISNT GOING TO BE FIGURED OUT!! HOW THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA GET MORE MONEY FOR THE SHIPMENT FOR OUR GUNS AND SHIT!!!!" I yelled as Diego argued back. "BRUH THIS AINT MY FAULT MAN! HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT WAS ERNESTO THAT WAS SHOT NIGGA!!" Then Nick got in the middle and pushed us both back with one hand. "Guys shut the fuck up first of all cuz Ashton's sleeping man! And Justin back to he fuck off alright, cuz it could've Been Diego with a bullet through his damn head." I groaned as I turned around fiercely and I ran up to my room and slammed the door not caring. I felt like a little five year old but I couldn't let this shipment slip through my fingers. I don't give a fuck what Ashton says, I'm getting revenge on those fucking bitches The Bloods. I'm not letting a ton of girls go against my men. Or ME. I'll get revenge on those damn Bloods if it's the last thing I do, Cher is gonna pay she did and ever regretting leaving us...

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