It got worse

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(In my opinion this is kinda bad but eh that's my opinion and my standards for chapters is bullshitly high for me)

After a while of walking I finally found the temple which was completely empty. I then use my grapple to get infront of the temple and look for the artifact I was supposed to get

Y/n:ok I'm here but ... where's the artifact I'm supposed to get

Izanagi:Maybe the artifact is just something Ozpin made up to encourage everyone to get here for something

Satanael:or everyone got all of the artifacts before you

Just to make sure I start to look around the whole temple for the artifact Ozpin told us to get only to find nothing which made me sigh at not being quick enough

While I was thinking about what to do now I started to hear panting making me turn towards the sound of it to see a girl carrying a pale woman who was covered in her own blood. And right behind them was a type of Beowulf I have never seen before

Thinking I should help them I got out my swords then fire a aura bullet at the Beowulf with my X blade making it turn towards me

Y/n:hey ugly why don't you pick on someone who could actually fight!

Getting its attention the Beowulf charged straight at me only for I to faze through it then look towards the girl

Y/n:if you want to live go to the cliff right now!

Following my orders she ran towards the cliff leaving me with the Beowulf infront of me who then took a deep breath which made the crosses on its heads start to get out a blood red glow

Then it let out a loud roar which could be heard for miles and for some reason made me get out a blood red outline

When it was done the Beowulf ran straight at me which made me try to faze through it only for the Beowulf to actually hit me making my body get blown through several trees

Y/n:ok ... on a scale from one to ten THAT fucking hurts

While I was recovering from the intense pain the Beowulf grabbed a tree then ripped it out of the ground and threw it at me. Thinking fast I fired a grapple onto the Beowulf then pull myself towards it letting me avoid the tree and let me have a chance to give it some payback

That was the plan until the Beowulf ripped off the grapple I put onto its body then pulled me towards it so it can give me a strong right hook which send me flying, not done it did it again, then again, then again, then again, then it did it so many times my grapple actually snapped letting me roll across the ground with my body covered in blood

Y/n:mental note ... never use a grapple against something who doesn't give a shit when a miniature claw is stabbed into its body because then I become its human fucking yo-yo

I then got back up and faced the Beowulf who then howls making several normal Beowulf's appear along with two alphas

Y/n:ok I can't believe that I'm saying this but can you three stop hanging around in my head and actually help me for once

Izanagi:sorry y/n but we can only help you if you show us that you deserve us

Yaldabaoth:no no no he has to be in a situation which is similar to what we faced in our life

Satanael:no your both wrong he has to actually show he isn't afraid to die

Y/n:all three of you have absolutely no idea how I can bring you out don't you

Izanagi/Yaldabaoth/Satanael:... no

Y/n:oh my god I'm stuck with the most stupidest personas I have ever meet in my entire life

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