Chapter One

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A young girl, probably 11-12 years old with fiery red hair and a devilish smirk sat down on a rusty wooden bed with a crooked leg. She was wearing black pants with bandages and a red cloak draped around her shoulders. Devil wings sprouted from her back and she had a leaf like tail at her waist.

Hehe, when Hades walk through that door, it will trigger the tr-


"HESTIA!" A  male who looked about 13 roared. He had black shaggy brown with angry red eyes with slit pupils. He wore similar clothing to Hestia but all black. A skull button hung loosely from his cloak. On top of his head was dog poop.

Hestia just sat the bed trying to hold in her laughter. Later after a three headed dog came in the room.

"Good boy Cerberus, thanks for letting me use your poop," Hestia said while petting all three heads.

"Cerberus... How can you betray me?"Hades said.


"THEY CAME BACK!" Someone yelled while Hestia was trying to read some scroll.

They're back! Hestia said in her head. The abovers were back!

The abovers were a group of devils who would go above ground to fetch resources for the devils below.

You see... Devils are hated by man kind, the humans and other species would spread fake stories of how the devils were vicious, cruel and are mischievous creatures that like to stir up trouble. You see, devils aren't like that at all. Well except for the mischievous part but long ago when the word was created, Fire the ruler of devils teamed up with the Shadows. The Shadows were a group- no clan of demons and other evil creatures. The devils had no choice but to help The Shadows, making them look like the bad guys.

"Mom!" Hestia yelled as she ran into the arms of a woman with deep red hair and a black cloak draped around her shoulders. Making her drop the brown sac in her hands.

"Hello Hestia!" Hestia's mom grinned. She shared the same devilish smirk as her daughter.

"What did you get this time?" The younger one asked, gazing at the brown bag.

"The regular, wood, fabric," she answered. Devils didn't eat nor drink, honestly they could survive without the Abovers but it wouldn't be a nice living condition. "Now go play with your friends while I put this away."

Hestia turned around to see Hades sulking in the corner. Hestia gazed at him sympathetically, his parents had once been part of The Abovers but never returned. It's been 2 years since then but he would always glare enviously when other kids get reunited with their parents.

"Hades wanna go play?" Hestia asked.

"Pfft after you dropped dog poop on me?"

"That's what you get for telling Cerberus to chase me!"

"You deserved it!"


Hestia woke up to a young woman with fair skin, white hair and a plain white dress. She wore no shoes but the thing that surprised Hestia was her gentle green eyes. This is probably a dream, the red devil though. This woman was no devil, and anyone who was not a devil, despised the devils.

To her surprise, this was no dream. Hestia didn't know why but a shiver went down her spine, causing her to shiver slightly. She heard about people who would have visions and prophecies, giving hints about the future. Then the woman started to speak

"Bring all four together
Bonded together forever
Choose wisely
Or death will be likely
Four children shall answer the call
And save us from our fall
Earth so elegant
Fire so arrogant
Air who is not hesitant
Water is mysterious and intelligent."

Earth, Fire, Air, Water? Was this person talking about THE Four Elements. The creators of the world? Hestia blinked, trying to register those words in her mind. Wha-?!


Hestia woke up to the sound of screaming and battle cries.

"YOU DEVILS WILL DIE!" A deep voice roared.


But it was not only humans, Hestia smelled the blood of different species. Cats, werewolves, magicians....

Hestia rushed outside her room, seeing the chaos happening.

"Hestia!" A familiar voice said to her, "you must run! Run far away from here!" It was her mom, all tired and bruised up.

Hestia's eyes widened in shock at the big scar running down her mom's chest. "W-what happened-!" She was cut of by a werewolf slicing his claw at her, her mom blocked his way, receiving a wound to the back.

"GO NOW!" She yelled, tears running down her face.

"I-I c-c-can't leave you!" Hestia said weakly, her eyes filling up with tears before being pushed away amongst the battle.

Hestia barely dodged the slice of a battle axe coming down her, it scraped her left shoulder as she flew away. An arrow caught her right wing when she finally managed to get in the air, looking for her mother.

"GAH!" Hestia screamed as she went tumbling downwards. The young devil tried getting up but realized her right leg was broken.

"Tsk, Tsk look what we got here." An ugly man, who looked like those "monsters" you would hear in this fake stories. "A nice young fella, maybe I should spare your life and sell you?"

Hestia tried to scream, but she was frozen, staring at the man in fear. The ugly man bent down, his hand outstretched to grab her.

Hestia braced herself for the pain, but instead she felt a gentle hand touch hers, soon enough she was running in the chaos. Hestia opened her eyes and saw a familiar boy in front of her. Hades!

The red devil tried to fight her tears, but she felt them run down her cheek slowly. Is she going to die? Was her mom ok? Where is Cerberus? Many questions ran through her head but she only managed to slip a small whimper from her mouth. Her arm was sore and her leg was aching with pain. She couldn't fly because of her wing and her body felt like a big bruise.

"HESTIA WATCH OUT!" Hades yelled.

The girl only saw the big boulder before it was too late. She gritted her teeth and felt something big and heavy come onto her. Black spots danced across her vision as the world blurred into blackness.


Hestia woke up with a major headache. She placed a hand to her head and felt something warm. Taking her hand away from her head, she saw it was blood. "H-Hades..?" She croaked weakly. No answer.

After laying on the ground for a few minutes she sat up, gazing around the destruction around her. "Hades?" She said again, stronger than before. Bodies piled up on one of another and boulders had left great marks on the floor.

As Hestia got up, pain went through her body like an electric shot, causing her to fall back down. Amongst the destruction, something shiny shined. Hades's skull button, she thought with a pang in her heart. She felt like a dozen of arrows had went through her chest. She lost everything, her home, her friends, her family. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes and she let them fall slowly as she cradled the skull button. Her mouth opened, letting out a soundless wail. She started to let out big puffs of air, making a chocking sound. She didn't want to die, she didn't want her friends to die, she didn't want her family to die. But they did and now will she...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tune for next chapter and constructive criticism and tips are allowed! Sorry for the end of the chapter, I was starting to to get a bit bored. And don't worry, this is not the end of her story!

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