Chapter Six

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I DOVE INTO the throng of people, pushing some aside when they were too stubborn to move. I had to find Sam before something bad happened. Someone elbowed me in my side and I wheezed, hunched over. It was just my luck to get injured when I was looking for someone like a mad woman. It was too dang loud in the dorm room, and way too crowded. Why did the Grim Reaper have to pick tonight of all nights to suggest my best friend was going to die?

     I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going as I ducked around a group of people, which resulted in me slamming face first into someone's chest. “I'm so—” I started, cutting off when I glanced up and realized who it was. The blood drained from my face and I took a step back. “Vince,” I breathed, swallowing hard.

     He eyed me up and down. “I like the outfit,” he said, taking a step towards me. I glanced down at my short-shorts and tank top, wishing I'd taken the time to put on more decent clothing. I tugged down on my shorts, hoping that covered more. “It's skimpier than you usually wear,” Vince continued, taking a step towards me.

     “I, uh—” Crap, I couldn't figure out how to get away. Why did I feel the need to excuse myself around this creep? He'd tried to rape me twice already! “I have to—” Hands clamped down on my waist and I squeaked.

     Vince pulled me into him. “You don't have to do anything, Jemma,” he breathed in my ear, and I cringed. Dang it, why did this keep happening to me? “Lyle doesn't care anymore, little red. I can do whatever I want now.” I stopped breathing, staring up at him with wide eyes.

     Then I started to struggle, I really didn't have time for this right now. “Let me go, Vince,” I snapped, trying to work myself free. When his grip on my waist didn't loosen, I reached up and slapped him across the face.

     We froze.

     Vince and I simply stared at each other, both of our eyes wide. Then his gold irises filled with rage that looked like it was bordering on murderous, and I ran. I dashed into the throng of people, hoping to lose him in the crowd. I guess this was a reason to be grateful for being in such a crowded dorm room, it meant I could lose those who would want to murder me in it. I smacked right into someone else's chest, starting to fall to the ground until they grabbed my waist. Then again, maybe there was no reason to be grateful for a crowded room.

     “Jemma?” the person holding me exclaimed quizzically. I glanced up and my breathing stopped as I met a pair of brown eyes that could only belong to one person. Lyle. He was staring at me, concern written clearly across his face as he kept me from falling on my butt. “What's wrong?” he asked. His grip on me loosened and he took a step away.

     I couldn't speak; heck, I could barely breathe. All I seemed capable of doing was staring up at him with my mouth slightly open. I forgot that I was running for my life, that I was trying to possibly save my best friend's life. All I could think was of everything from earlier as it all came rushing back, reminding me of how badly I'd managed to screw everything up with him. Part of me wanted to start apologizing to him profusely and tell him that I hadn't meant what I'd said over a week ago. The other part of me was too scared he'd reject me and say that I wasn't worth all the trouble.

     “Jemma?” he repeated, his eyebrows pulling down as his concern worsened. “Are you okay?”

     I opened my mouth to apologize for walking right into him, but someone else cut me off. “Jemma, you have a little something you have to pay for,” Vince's voice growled from behind me.

     My eyes widened as I stared up at Lyle and I stiffened, suddenly remembering that I was probably about to be murdered. I whirled around, swallowing and taking a step back when I saw how close Vince really was. He was within touching distance. My shoulder bumped into Lyle and I cringed away before I realized who it was I'd just touched. Our eyes met, and then Lyle's hand was on my arm and pushing me behind him.

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