Music Addict (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)

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Character: Izuku Midoriya

Fandom: My Hero Academia

Word Count: 215 words

Title: Music Addict

You opened your eyes when someone plopped down on the bed you were laying in, making you bounce a little. You smiled when you found with Izuku's innocent expression and his bright grin.

"Are you listening to music again?" You could read his lips even though your music loudly blasted through your headphones, so you couldn't hear his voice.

You nodded, allowing him to take one of the earbuds and put it on his ear. He loved listening to music with you, and more since he was so curious as to what you were listening to all the time. You couldn't live without your headphones, you were a music addict.

As you watched him in expectation, he gave you a nod of approval, so you smiled at each other. Then he snuggled closer to you and nuzzled his nose on your collarbone.

You chuckled at the cute gesture and began playing with his fluffy hair, gently singing the soft song you both were listening to at the moment. You looked down at him, watching him smile in pure bliss with his eyes closed.

"You cuddle bug" You teased him, giggling at the sight.

Izuku jokingly gasped and started tickling you to complain for the comment, which started a tickle war with your music on the background.

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