Two more days

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James's pov:

I couldn't believe it. Lily Evans, the Lily Evans was going out with me, and I swear I had never been happier. Sirius was ok, Snivelleus had been severely punished, and the girl of my dreams had her head in my lap. Things were finally back to normal between Remus and Sirius, they'd been acting really weird for weeks now, all shy and nervous around one another. It was the 29th of October, there was only two more days until the Halloween ball, all the girls got the day off school tomorrow to go and buy their outfits, that was bloody unfair if you ask me, us guys still had to go to school.

"Lily," I said, trying to capture my girlfriends attention, girlfriend, I loved saying that to Lily.

"Yeah Potter what is it?" She still called me Potter.

"Could you grab me some chocolate from honeydukes tomorrow please?"


"Thanks" I replied, a small smile on my face, the only weird things happening at the moment is that peter has been spending a lot, like a lot of time with his new girlfriend Lucy at the moment, I don't know what they are getting up to but they always seem to be by the whomping willow when I check the map. Sirius has been spending lots of time up in the dormitory with Lily's friend Hattie, but I know they aren't doing it cause when I listen all I hear is muttering about balls and Merlins saggiest boobs. Remus had been talking with Natalie a lot as well, it seemed like the four guys and girls had sort of paired up, with me and lily as the leaders.

But every time I ask lily what's happening she just smirks and says "you'll see soon enough." It's infuriating. Although I love that girl to death I wish she wasn't so mysterious. But I have a very good feeling about the Halloween ball, and my hunches turn out to be right.

Sirius's pov:

It's two frickin days until the ball. Two frickin days until my life collapses, although, I do have a back up plan, if everything goes wrong i am going to run straight up to the astronomy tower and jump off the edge. Remus is the only thing I have left to life for. I've made really good friends with Lily's best friend Hattie, I've been practicing for her in the dorm or by the hidden lake only the marauders and the girls know about, she thinks I'm going to be fine, but I'm not so sure. Her and me are going as friends with Remus and Natalie to the ball, like a foursome I guess, but only as friends, Remus would never want to go as anything more than that with me anyway, the girls yes cause he's smart and they're pretty . Hattie and Natalie are going to help me set up before the ball as well, back stage.

The girls are all going to hogsmeade tomorrow, I'm dreading it, they are the only ones who know I'm gay. I'm really freaking out about it, I just hope it's all going to go well.

AN// in the next chapter I will enclose pics of the outfits the girls will be wearing for the trip to hogsmeade and the ball!

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