Two is better than one

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A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't posted! My brother was killed a while ago and I didn't feel inspired you know? I've been re watching 'real housewives' and I have been inspired haha!
I have it set in season 6 from now on. Well I'll try to follow the episodes. Tell me what else you guys want to have in the story and what not. Thanks for reading!

Sheena nods her yes and rushes out of the bathroom. As she leaves the bathroom she notices that Ken is checking his phone and looks worried.
'Hey Ken, um Lisa is the bathroom crying and asking for you' she tells him
'Oh bloody hell' he muttered. He gets up and discreetly walks to the bathroom to not raise suspicion.
'Lisa, darling?' He asks as he walks into the bathroom. 'Over here' he hears her call out, he walks over to the chair in the corner of the bathroom.
'Oh lisa' he says as he takes in her clammy face and mascara stained cheeks. ' I'm right here love' he tells her. 'I don't know how I'm gonna do this Ken' she tells him. He brushes his hands in her chestnut hair, 'we will darling, your the strongest woman of I know, and I love you so much' he kisses her forehead.
'Do you want to finish our lunch or go home?' He asked her. 'I would rather go finish our meal so people don't try to start some bullshit stories' Lisa tells Ken.
Ken helps Lisa get up and wipes her cheeks with some make up wipes they have woman in the bathroom. She kisses Ken on the lips.
As they exit the bathroom, she sees Sheena off to the side and smiles slightly, she feels her heart beat fast and feels her stomach hurt, thinking the worst about sheena telling people what she witnessed. She shakes the thoughts away, knowing that sheena wouldn't do that.
'Is everything alright darling?' Ken asked.
'Yes just my mind racing' she tells him, he takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it. 'It will be fine, yea' he says to tell her. She smiles at him and drinks her water, she takes a couple of more bites of her salad.
'Ken I would like to go home actually and eat some soup I think' she tells him.
Ken puts some money down for a tip and takes her hand in his and walks them out to the car, ignoring the paps.

Lisa's interview:
I don't know how all these girls do it, being pregnant in the spotlight, I'm so anxious of what people will say. When I was pregnant with Pandora I wasn't famous and was definitely younger. I don't know I'm gonna tell them come to think of it.

*kin got her to the car moving back the paps,then one she got in he headed over to his side*

Thank you for helping me back there, she told him. Always my love*he said holding hands with her as they drive home*you need to make an appointment with the O.B as soon as possible*he says*
Oh I know, I'm just a little nervous of what she will say, and I'm nervous of what Pandora and Max will think. She starts to over think, and squeezes Kens hand

Breath baby....everything will be fine....the kids will be shocked but so excited*he said*but I do think u should get checked out before we tell them

I'll give her a call, 'she opens her iPhone and goes to her contacts and clicks on Dr.Smiths name..
Hello this is Dr.Smiths office how may I help you? The receptionist asked.
Hello, this is Lisa Vandeepump Todd, and I was wondering if Dr.Smith has any openings today, I found out I'm expecting and have a trip to Dubai on Friday.
She has an opening literally in 30 minutes can you make it? She asked
'Yes, I'm on my way' Lisa told her.
'Great see you then!'
She hangs up. She can fit us in, in about 30 minutes.

Ok *he says as they head to the doctors taking the back entrance in*
She smiles at him and checks her twitter scrolling through her twitter mentions, liking the tweets about the puppies and dogs from her dog foundation

*they head inside and check in*
'Hello she greets the receptionist'
' I have an appointment for Lisa Todd' lisa tells the receptionist.
'Okay the doctor will be out in just a few minutes. Lisa nods her head.
'Hello, Lisa' Dr. Smith says
'Hello' Lisa says
'So lets get a pee sample, and do some blood work.'
The doctor goes to get the nurse to get the samples.
'Are you happy with having a baby?' Lisa asked Ken. She looks at him
'Yes darling, shocked but I'm happy' he said. Lisa smiled at him and gave him a kiss
20 minutes later Dr.Smith comes in
'Well congratulations, your pregnant' she says. 'Alright now lets do a sonogram'
Lisa lays back as the doctor does the exam. 'Hmm' she says
'What..what's wrong?' Lisa said
'I'm just hearing two heartbeats' she tells lisa
Lisa is shocked
'W-What' she asked. Lisa looks at Ken who looks shocked as well.
'I can't tell the genders yet, but we can find out when your due. 'So you will be due on April 24th' Dr. Smith says
She prints out the sonogram pics and brings it to them.
Lisa makes her appointment and they go home.

Lisa's interview:
I can't believe I'm having twins. How the bloody hell did this happen? Ohhh god

Next time:
Lisa and Lisa Rinna go to Ohio for a horse and plans Kens birthday lunch

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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