The mystic fork

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Dan woke up with a strange feeling in his stomach, maybe it was because he had eaten some green eggs or maybe it was because of the mystic fork he had found the other day, he wasn't sure though. He tried to wake the beautiful human next to him up.
"Philly, wakey wakey!" Dan said.

"Just one minute more, I'm too tired"

"But Phil, I have a strange feeling, I don't know what it is but just wake up"

"Uh, well... okay... I'm awake" Phil said worryingly.

"I think I know what it is about, remember the fork I found the other day?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well I'm not sure but I think I have to return it to where I found it because I have a feeling that the fork is a magic fork.."

"Well let's go then Dan, wait.. where exactly did you find it?"

"I don't remember but I will probably remember soon so let's go."

Both of them walked out of the apartment and tried to find the place where Dan had found the mystic fork, Dan left the fork where he had found it but suddenly the fork started ticking and everyone exploded.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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