Make Room (G)

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Summary: A sad and drunk Barry comes home to you after his wild bachelor party.

A/N: S04E05


Barry stumbles in through the front door with the help of Joe and Cisco on either side of him. His face and shirt are a terribly sticky, amber-coloured mess. And wait, was he sobbing?

"Guys, what did you do to my fiancé?" you ask, feeling protective.

"Cisco gave Barry some sort of Speedster alcohol," Joe explains, helping set Barry down on the couch. "Things got a little out of hand."

"And what does he have all over himself?" You rush to grab a damp cloth to clean him up before he gets whatever the substance is on your furniture.

"Teriyaki sauce," Cisco says, sounding so done with everything.

Now Barry's starting to cry. "I just lo-uh-uh-ve chicken wings so mu-uh-uh-uch!"

Ooh, that was loud in my ear.

"Aww, yes, baby, I know you do," you comfort him while wiping the sauce from his cheek. "Thanks, guys. Anything else I need to know? Any warrants out for your arrest? Haha!"

Joe and Cisco share a sneaky glance.


"Why would you say that?"

You make a face at their weirdness.

"Okay, well I've got things from here. Have a nice rest of your night." The guys leave without a further word, looking beyond tired from their time out. You make a mental note to ask Barry about what they got up to when he's less, well, sad and drunk.

"Babe," Barry starts, staring at you with tear-filled eyes, "you'd m-make room for me on a door in the f-freezing ocean, right?"

You have no idea what the fresh hell he's talking about, but you nod and smile anyway, cradling his head.

"Every time, Bare."

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