Chapter 1 - Bringing him back?

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It had been almost a year since what had happened to Nightmare. Cross had taken the throne, on account of that Nightmare would've wanted him to. Once Cross took the throne he made a deal with Dream, that their empires would stop the war between them on one condition. That anyone in the Empire of the Sun would never set foot in or near the Empire of the Moon. There were no exceptions unfortunately for Error since Ink was from the Empire of the Sun. Error found his way around this since Cross only agreed that they couldn't come to the Empire of the Moon, but not that he couldn't go to them.

Cross was in the throne room, bored with nothing to do. He wished that Nightmare was there with him. Cross took off the crown that he was wearing and stared at it. It was the same crown that Nightmare used to wear, and the last of his belongings that Cross had to remember him by. Yes, there still was whatever Nightmare had in his own room, but that room was guarded by strong magic that prevented anyone from getting in, unless they were invited in. The magic had always been there, and now that Nightmare was dead, Cross hated it.

Cross continued to stare at the crown, remembering the day that he had lost Nightmare. 
'Dream ran at Ink Nightmare, who shoved him away. He held Cross up and stabbed his tentacle at Cross' chest where his soul would be. Time seemed to slow down as the tentacle went forward. Nightmare ran in between Cross and the tentacle. Cross yelled. "Nightmare!" The tentacle stabbed Nightmare through his soul. Dream shot three arrows at Ink Nightmare. The arrows each hit Ink Nightmare. "Ugh. This isn't over. When I come back, and I will, you'll be sorry." Ink Nightmare and Virus both disappeared. Cross got up and ran to Nightmare and grabbed him. He held him up and he smiled at Cross. Cross hugged Nightmare tightly. "P-Please don't leave me. N-Nightmare please." Nightmare hugged back tightly, tears falling. "I'm sorry. I bro-oke my promise." Nightmare slowly dusted. The wind picked the dust up as he was dusting and carried it away. Cross watched as the dust spread, crying. Cross held Nightmare's crown, dust spread on it. The last thing that he had left of Nightmare.' Tears formed in Cross' eyes as he remembered this. He started crying as he thought about when Nightmare had gotten hurt. He snapped out of his thoughts as someone called his name. "Cross?" He looked up and saw that it was Lezzy, then started to wipe his tears away. "Cross are you okay? You were crying and-" Cross cut her off. "It's nothing Lezzy, just remembering about him."

Lezzy nodded, as she understood what he meant. She remembered something. "Did you know that the magic that kept you from going into Nightmare's room was his own magic." Cross slowly nodded. "Yeah.. Why do you ask?" Lezzy looked surprised that he hadn't figured it out yet. "Well if Nightmare is dead then that means that the magic on his room is gone." Cross' eyes widened and he facepalmed himself. "I'm such an idiot." Lezzy laughed.

Cross sighed. "I'm going to his room." Lezzy nodded as Cross started to walk away. Cross got to what used to be Nightmare's room and hesitantly opened the door. He walked inside to see the familiar dark room. He remembered some of it from when Nightmare had needed him there. Cross looked around in the room. There was nothing particular in the room except a picture. He picked it up and it was the picture from when Nightmare had asked for him to take a picture with him. Cross laughed as he remembered that and how he had been so freaked out.

Cross sighed. That was one of the good times that he had with Nightmare, and of course all good things come to an end. Today was the day that Cross had first been 'hired' to work for Nightmare. It was like an anniversary as Cross would say because of what happened. He grabbed the picture and a book that seemed to be a little picture book. He didn't want to stay in the room for long because it reminded him of some bad things that had happened, like how it was only open to him because Nightmare died.

Cross wished so bad that Nightmare would come back and be with him. They had both found their love towards each other when bad things were going on. They had spent barely any time as lovers and what they could've had was all taken away from them because of Ink Nightmare and Virus. Speaking of them, they were still nowhere to be found. They would pay for what they did.

Cross walked out of Nightmare's original room and went to his own. He set the picture on his little stand and put the book onto his bed. Cross teared up and walked out of the room. Cross was walking through the halls, when something ran into him. It turned out not to be a something, but a someone. It was Error who had run into Cross and stumbled back. "O-oH s-SorrY!" Error looked and saw that it was Cross. "Oh CroSs tHeRe yOu ArE!" Cross have him a questioning look.

Error quickly dusted himself off. Cross looked slightly agitated now since Error wouldn't just tell him. "What do you want?!" Error fumbled to grab something from his pocket. He got it out and handed it to Cross. "I-I gOt tHat lEtteR tHiS moRniNg." Cross opened the letter that Error had just given him and then looked at it.

Cross gasped at what he read, tears starting to stream down his face. "T-They say that he can come back!" Cross read the note aloud.

Dear King Cross of the Empire of the Moon,
We may have found a way to bring Nightmare back. We know that you loved him, but didn't get the time to show it. And he didn't get to show you how much he had loved you. We want to help you. Meet us at the dead Tree of Feelings, in Dreamtale. We hope you take this offer.

-Sincerely, Anonymous.

Error looked at Cross with wide eyes. Cross smiled hopefully. He didn't care if there was a chance that it was a trap, as long as there was also a chance that it was the truth. "Go get the others and tell them to meet me in the throne room, immediately!" Error bowed and left the room. Cross' smile widened. "Don't worry Nightmare, we'll be together again soon. I'll be able to see you again and I won't let anything happen to you again."

"Never again, will we be apart."

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