Minutes Ago

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Its December 3, 2018 currently 12:45Am 

She's tired and ready to go to bed

She's had a great day 

She's been awake all day and that is always something she never forgets to praise 

Minutes ago she was happy she still is 

She is so happy that she sat down and took time to write on here 

For she knows she's talented she knows her story will go far 

She can't wait for her story to take off 

She currently feels motivated 

She has an amazing boyfriend who has helped her succeed with her mental health 

She knows he's a good guy

She knows for her its him she only wants him 

She can't help but wonder though, he recently made her extremely sad he hurt her

And thats never happened before 

She knows that she has the world to herself 

She can do anything and be with anybody she wants to be with

She is currently thinking of other possibilities and of different plans 

But she does not want another plan 

She is head over heels with the plan and the man! 

She's just still hurt and sad 

And whenever she's sad many thoughts come running to her 

She can't help but wonder its just apart of what makes her 

She has gotten help throughout her journey 

She knows to try and revert to happier thoughts 

Push away the sad ones 

Overpower the sad thoughts 

She thinks of her man and she sees rainbows 

Not literally but she knows with him she's her happiest 


She loves him she loves their relationship 

For he is her first love and that means the world to her 

She only wants one love 

She wants his love 

For his love is so powerful and emotion-full 

With him everything is better everything is good 

This love feels like ecstasy this love gives her SO MUCH 

Words cannot explain her emotions for him 


That this is what she wants 

For together their love can overcome anything 

The sadness she feels will soon go away heck it is away!

She knows who she is and she knows what she wants 

Nothing to second guess 

She's locked down and she is so fine with that 

She is loved 

From years ago, weeks  ago, minutes agoWhere stories live. Discover now