Part 2

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(The whole part happened in Past)

Two days later, Akash was circling the city to know about her. Evening had turned to Morning but there was no sign of Khushi. From last evening he is going around the city trying to locate her but with no luck. Where are on earth did she disappear? She did not even thought about him. He should have known, known that something was wrong when she came with such request, how could he have he failed to notice the signs.

Failing he came inside the Gupta Mansion, seeing the occupants his blood rushed to his veins, his temper raising. He marched towards them all.....he looked at Arnav who is on call shouting for to find Khushi.....fuming he threw a file towards Gupta's first....Garima, Lavanya and Shashi stood up shocked seeing him in so much anger which they never witnessed in him..... Akash 'this is what you wanted, isn't it? And here it is she has transferred everything in your name. For this you all has tortured her all these year...every minute of her life she went through hell.....mentally broke her to such an extent that she decided to leave all this and get lost from here forever.' looking at the Gupta's with loath.

He looked at Shashi spitting fire, forgetting the fact he is elder than him ' never was able to become a father for her.....what is her fault haan? If your wife left you for another man what is her fault in it? Did she ask her mother to leave you and go? Did she ask her to make her motherless? No, you could have given her love of both mother and father but no you always pushed her away and were busy in your life with your new family....only person who loved her, cared for her, looked after her as her parent is her Daadu....if he was alive today he would not have left her alone, would not let her get hurt *shaking his head* no one will understand one.....'

Arnav swallowed listening to all this, Anjali and Nani looked at him in shock along with Gupta's........... Akash turned to Arnav with pity and anger 'you have lost the person not knowing her value. You looked at her arrogance but did not tried to look past the façade she built around, how wrongly you judged her character. She had always loved you but you bastard broke her hard' shoving the paper in his hands 'even then I don't know why she trusted you with her heart and her family' Arnav looked at the papers confused. Akash 'this is her true family which she loved more than her own life and always been protected it from outside world, and she trust you that you will look after her family'

Arnav in his croaked voice 'Where is she? Did you find her? Tell me do you know where she is?'

Akash laughed, his hollow voice filling the room 'found her? She left Raizada....she left for good.....she did not even thought about me...her best friend....her brother......*clutching Arnav's collar* she was my only family in this world and because of you today I lost her.....I'll never forgive you..... Even if I know her where about any day I'll never tell you Raizada.......I'll find her for sure but never will let your *looking at the other* and anyone from your shadows fall on them.......because you *looking at Arnav* don't deserve her.....nor you deserve the baby growing inside her.....when you could not understand the mother than how in the hell you will understand the they are better off without will turn out another Shashi Gupta'

Akash left Gupta Mansion with heavy heart dreading for Khushi's safety.......Arnav looked at the file in his hands.....he opened envelope from inside fell down at his feet....he lifted the envelope.....torn the sides and took a paper from inside was a letter addressed to him 'I'm sorry Arnav for spoiling your life but I don't want to burden myself and my child on will accept the child and love him/her but will always have in your conscience of the night where for you it is biggest mistake when for me is beautiful night, in future you can hate my child too for destroying your life....I don't want you to destroy your life...marry Lavanya and be happy always......I have one last request.....please take care of the possession I've given heart has been rejected by you and I took it positively but please don't reject the life's I'm leaving behind trusting on you.....I can't trust anyone expect you.....a family who I value more than my life......please take care of them.....tell them I Love them lot....take care of yourself....bye......I and My baby will never come in your life to destroy it.....Lo *she could not complete the letter, Arnav understood what she wished to write, his heart pained* that's it.....have a happy future ahead'

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