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[name] ☕︎ has entered the chat

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
fuck okay
i'm kinda freaking out about something so if you could please come on here right fucking now i'd really appreciate it

david 💸 has entered the chat

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
yikes there must be something wrong
you texted first and you're cursing at me
not that i'm complaining lol

[name] ☕︎:
liza requested to follow me

david 💸:
and ?

[name] ☕︎:
what do you mean AND ???
i ?? don't know ?? what to do ??

david 💸:
accept her follow request obviously

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:

david 💸:i don't understand why you're freaking out over this didn't like all my friends follow you?

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david 💸:
i don't understand why you're freaking out over this
didn't like
all my friends follow you?

[name] ☕︎:
yeah but

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
she's your e x
plus she's also t h e liza koshy

david 💸:
haha yeah she is pretty amazing

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
but we broke off on good terms
and we haven't been dating since december
there's nothing to be nervous about

[name] ☕︎:
well i'm the type of person to be paranoid about every little thing so let me have my moment of panic, dave

david 💸:
someone snapped

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
i have the right to do so
you started all of this when you followed my instagram account so let me snap in peace and with everything that's going on with your fans messaging me still i'm already stressed enough as it is thank you very much

david 💸 is typing ...
david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
you said you didn't care about what was going on ??
do you want me to do something about it ??

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
i'll send out a tweet asking people to back off
no even better i'll make a video on my main account on youtube
i'm sorry i didn't know you were actually paranoid about this

[name] ☕︎:
omg whoa dave calm down
i was just being an overdramatic ass i'm always like this
plz don't actually say something about this to your fans  it'll only cause more problems

david 💸:
i feel like i need to

[name] ☕︎:
i don't know how many times i have to tell you not to publicly state anything about me

david 💸:
s o r r y for actually caring about you and your mental health

[name] ☕︎:
hey don't steal my fucking job

david 💸:

[name] ☕︎:
okay back to the liza situation
what should i do ??

david 💸:
i still stand by what i said earlier
just accept her request
i still don't understand why you're nervous about it

[name] ☕︎:
it's just

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
it's just awkward
for me anyways, you know?
one of the reasons you probably first started messaging me was to talk about your breakup with liza since you might not be over her still

david 💸 is typing ...
david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
you don't have to make it sound like i'm depressed without her lmao
i mean yeah i still have feelings for her but like i can handle myself around her and stuff like that
i just,,,, needed help to move on from her
we've both been traveling down our own paths now recently
she's been going towards movie and tv show careers while i'm still doing youtube
so we've both been busy doing our own things
and we had our own issues we needed to work out with ourselves on our own terms
our relationship wasn't as passionate as it was years ago, sad as it is
we both knew it too

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
our breakup was the hardest thing i've ever had to handle on my own

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
i'm sorry about that

david 💸:
it's okay
i've already went through all the pain during the beginning of january haha
but now i have you to talk to about everything on my mind :)

[name] ☕︎:

david 💸:
but you should accept her request

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:

david 💸:
y e s
geez, what are you, me?

[name] ☕︎:
ew no

david 💸:
you love me don't deny it

[name] ☕︎:
not really

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

well i gtg
thanks for helping me out, dave

david 💸:

[name] ☕︎:
...let me know if you wanna talk about your breakup, okay?

david 💸 is typing ...


[name] ☕︎:

david 💸:
see you later, [name] :)

[name] ☕︎ has disconnected from the chat

david 💸 has disconnected from the chat

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