The New Members To The Family

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Here we go....


Normal Pov

*8months later*

Shadow and Amy have been living a happy life 9months pregnant.... Well to Amy it has but to Shadow its been h*ll. Anyway with Shads and Lisa. Well last month they had a wedding and Shadow made at complete mess all because Sonic accidentally slipped his drink on him. Shads and Lisa moved out because they said Shadow and Amy needed more "alone time". Lets see what Shadow has to go though now....

*At Amy And Shadow's House*

"SHADOW BRING YO A** HERE!!!!" Amy shouted from the kitchen

"What now?" Shadow questioned walking into the kitchen

"Can you get the cookies from the top of the cabinet please?" Amy asked sweetly

"Wasn't she just mad at me?" Shadow thought to himself

"Amy I don't think you should have a cookie." Shadow told her. He looked at Amy and seen fire in her eyes. Before he could make a run for it he was pushed agasint the wall with one of Amy's hands around his neck

"Listen here buddy boy!! If you don't get those cookies from the cabniet like I told you too!!! I will cut off your private parts and flush them them down the toliet!!!!" Amy yelled making Shadow cover his private area. He got out of Amy's grip and got the cookies down all in 1 second

"Thanks Shady I love you." Amy smiled and kissed Shadow on the cheek. She walked into the living room and walked TV. For Shadow, he ran into his and Amy's room and got into a corner. He sat there whimpering for an hour. He then heard something wall on the floor. Shadow got up and ran into the living room to see Amy on the floor, water around her, and she was moaning in pain

"Amy what happened?" Shadow asked worried

"The baby's coming you jacka**!!!" Amy replied shouting. Shadow scooped Amy up and pulled out his chaos emerald.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!!!" He shouted. In five seconds they were at the hospital. Shadow ran up to the counter panicking.

My girlfriend is in labor." Shadow said. The doctor placed Amy in a wheerchair and rolled her away. Shadow was in the waiting room calling everyone when suddenly a blue and light orange blur passed him and came back. Standing infront of Shadow was Sonic and Tikal.

"What's up Shadow?" Sonic questioned setting Tikal down

"Nothing I just hope nothing bad happens in there." He replied. Just then everyone ran into the waiting room

"What's up?" Silver asked Sonic as he and Shadow did there made up hand shake that took Silver two months to learn.

"Nothing much." Sonic replied. The girls looked at Shadow's cheek and seen a bruise. They pushed passed the guys and moved closer to Shadow

"Shadow, who hit you?" Shay asked. Shadow sweat dropped

"Amy, she did it last night." Silver answered as the guys laughed well you know except Shadow

"Why did she hit you?" Cream asked as she, Shadow, and the girls sat down

"It's actually a long story...." Shadow started death glaring the guys to shut up.....

*Flashback From Last Night*

Shadow walked into the house with Amy's ice-cream and sat it in her lap. Shadow walked into his and Amy's room and started to pray that he got the right one. Amy smiled at the ice-cream but that smile quickly faded when she seen something she didn't want to see.

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