110 Reasons I Should Rule the World (Stolen from Shannie) WIP

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Sorry, Shannie. I saw you do this and I just had to. I did, however, at 10 more reasons! :3 Well, to apologize for stealing I shall dedicate this to you! Huzzah! *clicks dedicate* *types CookieDrugger* There, done. Happy? 

Anyway...moving on.

1) My name is Hailey. There isn't a more kick-ass name than that. Unless your name is Chuck Norris...you may not argue with this fact. Check it out: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hailey

2) I am a Whovian-Potterhead-Saltgunner-Sheldonite-Gleek-Sherlockian-Halfa-Tribute-Marveler-Demigod. Beat that!

3) I own 3 Sonic Screwdrivers and three wands to go along with them. 

4) I play COD: MW3.

5) I have a kill streak of, like, 16 but...does it matter?!

6) I've played Minecraft for almost 4 hours straight. . 

7) I've spent a whole day playing Sims 3.

8) I like pie.

9) And cookies,

10) I speak Gallifreyan. Numi'Tiar Meim'Ednes! :3

11) Matt Smith.

12) Jim Parsons.

13) David Tennant.

14) ^^^ Those three aren't real reasons.

15) I write fanfiction.

16) I am now apologizing for putting Iastra and the Doctor on hold.

17) I'm making a Maruaders story with lots of 70s lingo.

18) I made River Song's diary.

19)  And I copied her whole timeline.

20) And drew sucky corresponding pictures.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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110 Reasons I Should Rule the World (Stolen from Shannie) WIPWhere stories live. Discover now