chapter 2

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Happy new year everyone! Hope its been a great one so far! I have to apologize for the long wait for this update. But I did warn you that I would not be updating on a regular basis! Thank you to everyone who commented and voted!!!


I scanned my surroundings as I got out of the vehicle that Dr. Blake had arranged to take me to the base. Everywhere I look there are soldiers working with practiced efficiency to prepare themselves for war.

"This way, sir." The soldier who drove me indicates for me to follow him as he moves toward the training grounds. He leads me toward a man clearly in his element as he watches a group of men doing their best to make it through a obstacle course as unscathed as possible.

"Colonel Phillips." The colonel turns to see who called his name and his gaze lands on me. "Corporal Jackson?" His eyes narrow and I have the distinct
feeling that he already doesn't like me.

"Yes sir."

"I don't like surprises and your sudden and unexplained transfer to my command was definitely a surprise. I'm assigning you under sergeant James Barnes. You'll  be shipping out in two weeks. Unless of course you need some more time to settle in?" His tone made it perfectly clear that whether or not I did didn't matter.

"No sir. That won't be necessary."

"Good. Private Davidson will show you to the barracks."
" Welcome to the 107th." He returned his attention back to the men and I felt myself relax slightly.

As Davidson leads the way to the barracks I try ro remember where I had heard the name James Barnes before. I still haven't thought of it by the time we arrive and I push it to the back of my mind.


I looked up from the book I had been reading as the door opened to see a private I had seen around the base, enter. Followed by a stranger.

This must be the corporal that was being transferred to my unit for some unknown reason.

Jackson was tall with a muscular but slim build and black hair that stuck  out in all directions giving him a slightly messy look. Piercing sea green eyes scanned the room with practiced caution making me wonder what threats he was looking for.

I stood up and Jackson's eyes locked on me immediately. "Corporal Perseus Jackson? I'm sergeant James Barnes."

Something seemed to click in his mind as he shook my extended hand and I could swear I saw recognition flash through his eyes for the briefest of moments.

"I prefer Percy. And I've heard of your unit, sir. It's an honor to fight under you."

"Thank you. Let me introduce you to the others."

"This is Bo Roberts." The gentle giant stepped forward offering a hand that seemed to swallow Percy's.

"The small one there is Oliver Stephens." After throwing me a glare Oliver watched Percy with suspicion. As he does with anyone he doesn't know.

"And the one in the back is Zack Teller." Zack didn't even bother looking up from the book he was reading, preferring  to not talk to anybody unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Adam Wilson." The final member of my unit steps forward with a hand shake and smile that could rival any politicians.

"I'll show you where your bunk is so you can put your stuff away." I motion for him to follow me further down between  the rows of cots. I point to the one opposite of mine. "This is you."

"Thanks." He set his bag on the end of the cot before stiffly sinking down to join it.

"Can I ask why you were transferred?"


"Can I ask why you were transferred?"

I sigh wearily as I drag a hand through my hair. "I wish I knew."
I wish I knew why the fates couldn't just give me a break. Haven't I been through enough already? Haven't I lost enough? I push the grief that accompanys that line of thought as far down as I can manage.

I look up to find sergeant Barnes eyeing me critically. "I was on the front lines one minute and the next I was being told I was needed elsewhere."

Surprise and concern light up Barnes eyes at the mention of the front lines. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that but it was too late now. Luckily he seems to have picked up on my bitter attitude because his next question was asked in a slightly joking manner.
"You weren't transferred here to keep an eye on my unit were you?"

"Not that I know of. Why? Your unit get in a lot of trouble?" I smile slightly at the thought. I would fit right in.


I know. So short ( But I will work on length! Huge thank you to my beta, blackmelda8! Hope you enjoyed!


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