Chapter 1 - I Am Bulletproof

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I woke with a start. "Holy fucking shit!" I started recalling all of the dream the beautiful gorgeous blue eyed man he was so tall and strong he looked like an older version of my brother's friend Tayy who I had a crush on an was friends with. I love Tayy he's so nice and sweet and he's perfect in every way he also had the same amazing blue eyes as the man in my dream, I smiled at the thought of seeing the man who called himself Prophet. I shook my self from my thoughts and looked at my phone, wow I was up early my ipod said it was only 4:30, I had tons of time. I hoped into the shower, got out, put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a pair of black combat boots with studs on them, a black BVB tank top, {BVB is my brothers band and I am absolutely in love with it X3} and I put on my Rebels jacket and my BVB Rosary. Then I did my make up, grabbed all my stuff for school then left, after grabbing my wallet and phone with my ear buds. By that time it was about 6:15, so I had about an hour to go and sit down some where at the school and right a bit. I walked out of my room and was meet with my step brothers shocked face, I could tell he woke up late again, as a usual thing. "Hey, see you at school," i said and walked down the stairs and out the front door after he waved towards me and nodded. I made my way to the school going around back to football and track feild i took out a hair pin and undid the lock. I then slipped inside and walked over to the blechers. I pulled out my pentacharm binder and started righting on the clean next page, seeing as how i filled the one before it last night. I sat there writing about my dream and made a story line out of it i was gonna try and finish this story and hopefully i might get enough courage to publish it one day, but for right now it had been about 45 minutes and i should probably start packing up my stuff. and going towards the front of the school. i finihs getting my stuff together i put in my ear buds and walk out to the front of the school and sit aorund waiting for my friends to show up. Soon I see Julia, Tayy's girlfriend and some guy walk up to one of the near by trees in the park half of the court yard ,just out of the corner of my eye, and start making out, my jaw dropped and soon they said their good byes and parted different ways.Jules soon came over to my area by the fountain and benches and sat down to wait for Taybybor i presumed. A few minutes later my brother, Onixx, and his band mates show up at the front of the school and come up to me. "Hey sis," he said, "Onixx get the guys and come with me after Tayy goes to Julia." i said and walked of towards our special hiding spot in the middle of the park. It was an old abandoned tree house that was fairly high up, big. and still in great condition but ony me and the guys ever came up here, so we made it our own and everything. I sat on one of the six bean bags in the smaller room of the house after grabbing a monster from the mini fridge, and waited for the guys to knock to get it. Yeah, we locked the tree house too, so no one could steal it -evil laughter-, we also hooked up hot, and cold, water, plumbing and electricity to the small house, almost giant apartment, sized building in tree. I hard knocks and let the guys into the mudroom area, and we standed on the porch/ balchony with them after they grabbed monsters. "Guys i gotta tell him Julia is cheating on hi with that ass hole its been going on too fucking long and i cant take it any more, that fucking whore ass cunt was kising that ahole right in the middle of the school park  in plan sight and she's been cheating on Tayy for almost three full months now i cant take it anymore" I said putting the rest of my monster in a water bottle,sealing it and putting in the side pocket of my bag. "But Raven Tayy'll be heart broken," Dax said coming over and putting a hand on my arm seeing i was getting heated by the thought of jules and her stupid jock. I turn to Dax with a few tears in my eyes, "yes but i dont want him to have more heart break when three turns into six sand six into nine and more, Dax you know what Tayy means to me i dont wanna see him go through it any longer okay?" I said hugging him. "Ok Rave but just be light about it," He said rubbing my back before heading down the later after the others who had been on their way down while we were talking. I ran after them, and the five of us ran off to our home rooms, Dax followed and Tayy met up with us as we walked towards homeroom, while Jayy and Seth went to their home room. Soon Julia walks in, why shes in my homeroom i dont even know its some fucked up way the school decided to split up tje homerooms this year, she goes past me cuz im sitting next to Dax who's infont of Tayy she glares at me and mouths "fags" in Dax's, Onixx's and my direction and goes and sits in Tayy's lap after hugging him. I roll my eyes, at mrs.bitch face."Haiiii babe" she says in an annoying preppy bitch voice she always does, i dont even understnd why shes dating him if she doesnt even like the music he makes/ listens too, the band and his friends, the way he looks and dresses, or anything about him. I'm sure her only reason for dating Tayy was because he's a pretty faced boy with a lot of money from what i hear wich is compleate bull shit, and the fact she's staying with him so she can hurt him in the long run, but im gonna prevent this from happening, and she's gonna get cut off very soon. I'm mentally evily smiling to myself.

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