Chapter 16

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He hadn't noticed me yet. Thank the gods.

"Greetings Uncle." Hermes said.

"Hermes, what brings you here?" Hades asked.

"Lord Hades, Lady Persephone, I come to you with a request from Lord Zeus." he announced.

This was it. I was going to be found. I was going to die at the hand of Lady Artemis.

"I see. Now, what does my brother want now?" Hades said annoyed.

"Well, Lord Hades, Lord Zeus, wants to know if a hunter named Aemilia has been in your realm." Hermes stated. "Here, I have a picture."

He started to reach into his pouch. Hades looked at me, with a little hand gesture telling me to go quickly.

"Ah, here it is." Hermes said, giving Hades a picture of me before I joined the hunters.

I backed up to the wall, sliding so I wouldn't make too much sound. I could go anywhere in Hades' realm, as long as I had his key. I felt myself dissolving into the wall, before a blackness encased me. I materialized in my room. Hermes had found me. He would probably search the realm, or he would take Hades word for me not being there. I couldn't stay, it was too dangerous. Where could I go? I backed my things silently into my coffin. I would leave, traveling only at night.

"But, where could I go?" I thought aloud.

"You could always come with me." a voice said beside me.

I jumped, knife out. Yes, I still had my hunter's knife. Let's just say it was a reminder of the past. Also, I needed to train, unless the person just materialized beside me, I should have been able to sense them. I lowered it as I saw who it was.

"Adrian?" I said carefully.

"Yes. Look..." he started.

"I'm sorry." we both said at the same time.

"What are you sorry for?" he asked.

"I'm sorry about...not being able to save your sister."

"It's nothing. I'm sorry that I over-reacted. I guess, it's still a fresh wound. When she died, a part of me died. I was just sleeping, when I awoke to a pain in my heart. I knew about her death the second it happened."

Tears formed in my eyes.

"I should have died that day. Not her."

"Don't ever say that!" he said harshly.

For a second, he sounded like Apollo. Apollo, I thought, my heart thumping wildly, he must be so worried, oh, what am I thinking?

"Anyways, will you come with me?" he asked.

"Are you sure?" I said, not wanting to put him in any danger.

I had just met this more a few days ago, and I was already so attached.

"Yes." he replied.

Adrian's POV

"Yes." I replied.

What if she didn't want to come?

"Okay then!" she said, smiling.

Yes, if there was something I could do, I would protect that smile.I watched her as she got her stuff into a...coffin? Okay, that was weird, but I heard some rumors that she's special to Hades, and his wife.

"Ready, Adrian?" she said.

"Of course. After you." I said, gesturing to the door.

"Silly Adrian. We don't need doors." she said, taking my hand. My heart thumped wildly.Aemilia's POVWhy is my heart beating so fast? I don't like boys, I'm a Hunter. No, I'm a former Hunter, and that's all I'll ever be. Ha. What a joke. The Fates are cruel, crueler than anything else, they make you want impossible things. I faded into the wall, taking Adrian with me.

An Arrow to the Heart [discontinued, may possibly take up again one day]Where stories live. Discover now