Chapter 13 - Storm

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"Rome-O!" Big Red was hot he was so mad. "Rom-E-O! Where you at?"

"'Sup, Red!" Romeo's casual attitude did not match the fear on his face or the hesitation with which he approached his nefarious superior. He refused to be a sniveling minion. He would not cower just because Red could take him out with a snap of his pudgy fingers. The man wasn't really fat, but his size rivaled men like Heavy D and Ving Rhames.

"What's up is Medicine Man! Where he at? He ain't drop my nex shipmen off and my clients is gettin' angry and twitchin' like they gon' snap. I have high payin customahs who needs they "treatment." They cain't get it if I ain't got it! Find him."

"Will do, boss!" Romeo left without another word. Red was past mad, he was homicidal, and Romeo valued his hide more than he cared to see this particular rant play out.

He sent a text.


Lee tossed and turned. He couldn't get her out of his mind, nor did he want to. He felt like a teenager with a crush on the cheerleader. But this was different. He knew her. He remembered her. He remembered how they met, the weekend trips; and when they decided to get married. He remembered the drive to chapel and the brief but incredible honeymoon. He remembered the creep in the lobby and the car issues. He remembered the black truck, but that was where the memories stopped before he awoke in the hospital.


Amanda took Renee and Terry into the hallway of the hospital. "I don't know why, but we need to pray for Tash. She's in danger; of that we are sure, but something is saying she needs us right now." The other two ladies nodded their consent.

Before they could start, Lola and Will came up to them. "Hey! We came up ta see how Lee-Roy was doin'!"

Renee spoke up first. "We're glad you're here. We're fixin' ta pray for Natasha."

Lola shook her head up and down, agreeing. "Gots ta listen ta da Spirit. Let's pray!"


As he was approaching his captive, his phone vibrated in his back pocket.

Romeo. What did he want?

Red need his supplies. Where u at?

He replied with:

Out of town until further notice.

He waited for another text.

Natasha used the interruption to get his mind away from whatever actions he was previously contemplating. "I have a question for you. Pull up a chair, because I have a feeling this is going to take a little while."

Stunned by her calm demeanor, he did as she asked. This one was a strange woman. He wondered how she could remain calm when he was about to do her harm.

She continued with what she was going to ask him. "You said you were there when Aaron died. I want to know how. He never mentioned you as part of his team. He and I were pretty open about people and places, as much as possible anyway. Why don't I know who you are?"

He gave a wry grin. "I'll tell you everything, but you have to promise me one thing."

"I don't promise anything until after I know what it is." She made a no-nonsense scowl to prove her point.

"You won't use it against me. That's all I ask." He put his hands up surrender-style.

"I can't promise that. Not if it is going to impede my investigation. I can promise to listen to your whole story first. Deal?"

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